
Archive for the ‘Web’ Category

Luis, Spanish blogger, from Desde el Exilio (From Exile) -he writes on Spanish, dudes- wrote about what Islam should do to get rid of a supposed Islamophobia. Well, apart from not abuse physically, its supporters could begin by support rational criticism and not asking for the erase/crackdown on private blogs that fight against Islam. Spanish blogger Yahel tells us about Europenews, who has been deleted on charges of supposed xenophoby, nazism-extremism and supposed infractions on author’s rights.

Its provider blogg.de has erased the blog, an striking move, considering that the author Holger Dansk, did never comment the news, only published them with no self-comments. He linked to several German newspapers, such as “Die Welt” and “Taz”. If his posts are considered as nazis or extremists, then the culprit are the MSM newspapers from which he got the information.

The blog’s readers have also explained that the real reason has been only the wide and unconventional information offer about the subject in Europe. Several Muslims have complained to the blog provider, Blogg.de, de Europenews.

you can write to blogg.de to protest at info@blogg.de. The answer everyone gets is very important because, depending on it, some people are proposing an international boicot on the platform. In the 1st critical meeting at Wertheim on June 2nd they are going to speak about this subject.

Muslim censorship appears to be the first cause of the deletion of the blog, that was very informative for German readers. It had several subjects such as: Sharia law, mutilation of women’s genitals, Turkey, Turks in Germany, Killings due to honor issues, Women and Islam, Jihad, Terrorism, there was even a section specialized on Spain: Islam and Al-Andalus.


This is not the 1st European blogger accused of xenophobia for critisizing Islam. Early this year we have also the case of Finnish blogger Mikko Ellilä.

There is also the case of Bill Warner, who has been reported by Pamela from Atlas Shrugs:

Blogger sued and facing an injunction to cease and desist publishing stories about Muslims linked to terrorism

This is a serious threat to First Amendement rights of Freedom of Speach for bloggers and news reporters everywhere, and if I lose the law suit and the injunction is enforced, it will set a precedent for future law suits and injunctions to be imposed on any blogger or news reporter who writes about Muslims linked to terrorism. 

Bill Warner

n 5/21/2007 I was served summons of Complaint and an Injunction by the Mcintrye Law Firm of Tampa Fl who represent Abdul Raouf M. Dabus in a Defamation Law Suit against myself and my company for supposedly linking Mr. Dabus and his company VIP Motors in Tampa with shipping vehicles to the Middle East for resale in support of terrorism and that Mr. Dabus had worked at the Islamic Academy of Florida with Sami Al-Arain (The School that Terrorism Built) as an instructor from 1999 to an unknown point and that Mr. Dabus was linked to the Palestinian Islamic Jihad and that such information is posted on my web site www.wbipi.com .


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As I have been in bed with a terrible flu I have not had the possibility to read my email, this last week.

But when today I opened it, there were two emails that have made my day a happy one.

The first was from The European Human Rights Center:

I came across your site while searching the net for some quality websites. I think you did a great job with your site.
My name is Daniel. I work for The European Human Rights Centre (EHRC).
I would like to add your site to our usefull links page (
http://www.ehrcweb.org/links.php )
and I was wondering if you can post a link with our site in your  website.
For your convenience  I send you bellow the code for our website:
<a href=”
We are Nonprofit organization .

Of course, Daniel, you can. And I will right away add your link to my blog.

The second was from Blogger News Network:

I am the editor at Blogger News Network (www.bloggernews.net). BNN is a group blog on a massive scale, with 100+ contributors. It is our aim to be the Daily Kos of the blogosphere’s political center – minus 80% of the adolescence and 90% of the crazy, and with some common sense thrown in. BNN presents news, analysis and editorial writing from contributors all over the world, and attempts to give space to multiple responsible points of view. Vitriolic sites have a place and they certainly spice up the debate, but they also coarsen the discourse. BNN aims to counter that trend by being a place for respectful discussion and commentary on the events of the day.
The purpose of this e-mail is to invite you to use BNN as a resource in your own blogging. Our high post volume and breadth of coverage means that if you are looking for a blogger’s take on an issue, the odds are pretty good you’ll find what you want and more. (You can access our search box on the BNN main page, or you can just type in http://www.bloggernews.net/index.php?s=Your Search Text) You can find a post to cite with approval, and probably one to heap scorn on, too. We invite both! (We also invite you to consider writing for the site – see “Writing for BNN” at the very top of all BNN pages.

Well, this is so good I cannot even believe it. Altough it’s an honor, I cannot blog in more places or I would have to give up sleeping, something I am not going to do. But I encourage you to go there, because th web page is very good.

It’s raining but these are the kind of emails that make me smile very wide smile_teeth.

Para mis amigos de la comunidad Anti-ZP: esta semana no he podido bloguear porque he tenido un gripazo impresionante. Como no he hecho mucho, esta semana que viene tengo que recuperarlo. Pero espero bloguear un poco el fin de semana que viene.

Eso sí, esta semana me han llegado dos emilios que me han hecho feliz, a pesar de la mala semana que he llevado.

El primero me lo han mandado de European Human Rights Center. En el me preguntaban si podían linkar mi blog en su página web, “porque estaba haciendo un gran trabajo en el blog”. Por supuesto les he dicho que sí.

El segundo es del editor del Blogger News Network, que “aspira a ser el Daily Kos del centro de la blogosfera pero sin el 80% de su adolescencia y el 90% de su locura y con algo de sentido común”. Incluso me invitan a escribir allí. Por supuesto, es un honor, pero no tengo tiempo suficiente, así que les he escrito dándoles las gracias por el ofrecimiento. Eso sí, la página es realmente buena, así que os animo a todos los que podais leer inglés a pasaros por allí.

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If some weeks ago we saw that Google was urged to clean up YouTube’s Copyright Troubles, now the Association of American Publishers are also suing them:

“The publishing industry is united behind this lawsuit against Google and united in the fight to defend their rights,” AAP President and former Colorado Congresswoman Patricia Schroeder said in a statement. “While authors and publishers know how useful Google’s search engine can be and think the Print Library could be an excellent resource, the bottom line is that under its current plan, Google is seeking to make millions of dollars by freeloading on the talent and property of authors and publishers.”

This comes after Google removed 20.549 videos from YouTube (Spanish), after being sued by a Japanese holding who defends the rights of the authors, because of an infraction related with intelectual property (here in English from BBC, here from PC World and here from Tail Rank).

In Spain, SGAE (General Society for Authors and Editors) is planning to install a new tax on every hard disk (link in Spanish)-whether they are on computers or not- that you purchase just in case you are going to copy protected material in them. Tribunals have issued sentences against the old canon (link in Spanish)in which the hard disks and other high capacity devices were not included. SGAE won [not earned] €29 millions only in 2004 and it increased 30% in 2005. The percentage is decided on average estimations on what would the normal share of clients using those means to archive forbidden material. There are a lot of campaigns  and on line petitions against the canon in internet.

Básicamente lo que pasa es que Google después de haber sido obligada a retirar casi 30.000 vídeos de YouTube por la SGAE Japonesa, ahora ha sido demandada también por la Asociación americana de Editores, debido a su nuevo proyecto que intentaba subir a Internet los libros de diferentes universidades. Los editores quieren dinero a cambio de la millonada que se va a llevar Google.

En cuanto a España, como seguimos a vueltas con el canon de la SGAE, aquí teneis un vídeo de traca que he encontrado en Internet… smile_teeth

Aquí teneis el link del video.

UPDATE: Javier de la Cueva from Derecho de Internet points me another sentence which is more recent that the one I pointed to above, in fact, from Sept 26th, 2006. The Judge failed to recognise his rights to the consumer but later the Provincial Audience has revoked that, recognising againthose rights.

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So Darfur is even worse that it was some days ago. NYT looks very unhappy because the Southern rebels are trying to defend themselves from the Government forces. The article runs:

Instead Mr. Kabir, a field commander of the Darfur rebels fighting the Arab-dominated Sudanese government, found among the Sudanese soldiers his men had felled only the dark-skinned faces of southern Sudanese and Darfurians. He looked away in disgust.

“You see, they send black men to kill black men,” he said. “We are waiting for them to send Arabs for a real fight.”

This is the new battlefield in Darfur, a blood-soaked land in which at least 200,000 people have died since early 2003, many of hunger and disease, as a result of a campaign of violence the Bush administration and others have called genocide.

For the first time in more than two years, rebels fighting the government for more autonomy are making brazen, direct and successful attacks on soldiers, and are declaring that all previous cease-fires are no longer in effect.

The latest peace agreement, signed in May and heavily backed by the United States but approved by only one rebel faction and the Sudanese government, is in disarray.

The government vows to crush the rebellion, and as its military struggles to fend off attacks, it will likely turn again to Arab militias called janjaweed to wage its counterinsurgency campaign, analysts say.

Look that the Southern-Darfurians rebels are insurgents just as the terrorists in Iraq, accordingly to NYT. After all the people dead in those fields -some because of real blood-for-oil reasons, which has not been protested by any anti-war leftists-. The new Sudanese Government strategy is to send black Southern-Darfurians to battle agaisnt other Sothern-Darfurians. So the rebel commander is very clear:

“All of them are Sudanese, they are black people, they are our brothers,” Mr. Kabir said. “The government sent them here to kill us, but we pity them. The janjaweed don’t like to die and make war with us. They are cowards attacking women and children.”

The rebels had picked the camp clean of matériel, carrying off several senior Sudanese field commanders as prisoners, they said, as well as caches of heavy weapons, machine guns, fuel tankers and pickup trucks.

At a hide-out a few miles away, soldiers preened with their new weapons:Chinese-made rockets, grenade launchers and antitank guns.

We took this from Sudan, and we will use it to kill them,” boasted Salah Arjah Boush, a rebel fighter, cradling a small gray rocket like a baby in his arms.

Chinese rockets! What a surprise! [Well, not for me at least] Sudanese Governement is also being helped by Chadian rebels, while Chadian Government is helping Sudanese rebels.

Because Sudan’s large army is mostly made up of non-Arab foot soldiers who are unwilling to carry out brutal counterinsurgency tactics on fellow non-Arabs, the government has used Arab militias as ground troops in Darfur, paying them in cash and loot from the villages they raid. But now the fighting appears to be entering a new phase, in which the rebel groups, somewhat unified militarily under the banner of the National Redemption Front, are making increasingly brazen direct attacks on government troops.

The government is likely to respond to this new boldness with familiar tactics, said Colin Thomas-Jensen, Africa advocacy and research manager at the International Crisis Group, an independent organization that seeks to resolve armed conflict.

Clearly Khartoum is still intent on pursuing a military solution, and just because the latest offensive seems to have hit a roadblock doesn’t mean they are going to give up,” Mr. Thomas-Jensen said. “The strategy in the past has always been to arm and train and support local militia groups. In all of this the consequences from a humanitarian standpoint are devastating. In Darfur it is ultimately among the civilians that there will be the greatest cost.”

And what will be that military solution? The events which have happened on the latest hours show that it is going to be really hard. Khartoun has expelled Jan Pronk, the UN envoy who -for once- has had a very important role in denouncing the atrocities at Darfur (Sudan Watch):

The highly unusual expulsion of a UN official is likely to sour relations between Khartoum and the UN, which were already tense because of Sudan’s refusal to accept a security council resolution calling for 20,000 troops to move into Darfur to protect civilians. Ironically, Mr had made it clear he personally agreed with Sudan’s position that African Union troops could do the job just as well, provided they had proper funds and equipment. He was also a critic of the Bush administration for its confrontational line towards Khartoum.

Mr Pronk, 66, had a reputation for being outspoken as a minister in two Dutch governments but he took the unusual step of writing a regular weblog after his appointment as Mr Annan’s special representative in Khartoum two years ago. This seems to have been his main sin. The weblog in which he often described the war in Darfur in graphic terms without the usual caution of a diplomat became required reading for everyone watching Sudan’s war-torn western region closely. […]

The Sudanese government has admitted suffering two recent setbacks on the battlefield, at Um Sidir to the north of the main town El Fasher, and again near the Chadian border two weeks ago. But Mr Pronk’s weblog gave new details. “The losses seem to have been very high,” he wrote.

“Reports speak about hundreds of casualties in each of the two battles with many wounded and many taken as prisoner. The morale in the government army in north Darfur has gone down.

Foreign ministry spokesman Ali al-Sadiq explained the expulsion as resulting from “the latest statements issued by Mr Pronk on his website regarding severe criticism of the Sudanese Armed Forces and the fact that he said the government of Sudan is not implementing the Darfur peace agreement“. [NOTE: see he has been expelled BECAUSE he critisized the Government!!!!].

Mr Sadiq said rebels would consider Mr Pronk’s comments as encouragement to continue their military campaign.

Mr Pronk also annoyed the army by crossing frontlines and meeting rebel leaders in Darfur this month, although he made it clear on his weblog that he urged them to accept a ceasefire and think about signing the peace deal brokered in May.

Koffi Annan has asked Pronk to return to USA for consultations, and while the Sudanese Governemnt has asked Pronk to go before next Wednesday,

Jajweeds have begun to attack villages yesterday and reaped two girls, aged 16 and 18. “Government troops are also mobilising in this area, and we are prepared for an attack” (from Sudan Watch). Darfur rebels have added this will began a new campaign: this time using chemical weapons.

The NRF strongly denounces the callous decision of the Government of Sudan to expel UN Envoy Jan Pronk from Sudan. It is not a simple coincidence that this decision has been made at the very moment when the new offensive of the Khartoum regime in Darfur has been launched. Following successive defeats of its forces at the hands of NRF, the Regime in Khartoum is now resorting to the use of chemical warfare to reverse its luck. Few days ago, a Janjaweed led battalion moved out of Alfahir heading towards Tina. The force consists of over 60 vehicles armed with chemical weapons. In line with his cruel habit of sending poorly trained troops to their early graves, Albashir’s new militias are to use chemical weapons that they have never seen before. This is what explained the rush to drive Mr. Pronk out of Sudan. Having neutralized the AU, the Government is now determined to render the people of Darfur totally voiceless. Mr. Pronk’s departure will enable the Regime in Khartoum to carry out its genocidal acts behind a thick curtain.

The Government of Southern Sudan has also protested the expulsion claiming the Sudanese Government has not consulted them on this issue. US has protested the action by the Sudanese Government.

If you want to view his blog, click here.

This is a post made to denounce even more -if it can be- the outrageous situation Darfur is now in, without any type of support from the world and, of course, Europe. Some days ago, Mauro, from Italian blogs from Darfur, wrote a comment here about an important campaign Italian Blogs are making: they are denouncing the MSm for not giving any information about the tragedy that it is developing there. Go there and read it. It will worth your time.

Los últimos hechos en Darfur se están desarrollando muy deprisa. Durante el último mes, los rebeldes han infrigido al Gobienro sudanés 2 derrotas consecutivas en las que ha habido muchos muertos, heridos y mutilados. El Gobierno sudanés ha recurrido a otra estrategia: mandar a gente de Darfur a luchar contra sus propios vecinos. Pero como eso no ha resultado ha expulsado a Jan Pronk, el enviado de la ONU en Darfur.

El diplomático holandés había cometido el terrible disparate de contar la verdad en su blog particular, sobre las derrotas sudanesas, lo que le ha valido la expulsión por “criticar al gobierno sudanés”. SI quereis verlo aún está operativo aquí. Son muy interesantes sus fotografías.

Y la venganza del Gobierno sudanés no se ha hecho esperar: ayer ya atacaron de nuevo los janjaweeds una aldea y violaron a dos niñas una de 14 y otra de 16. Los rebeldes afirman además que el Gobierno sudanés ha enviado camiones con armamento químico hacia Darfur.

Por eso, es importante que denunciemos lo que está ocurriendo en Sudán. El blog Italian Blogs for Darfur tiene por misión criticar la cobertura mediática del conflicto, que como no es Irak, y EEUU no se ha metido allí, no es interesante. Así, señalan:

300 mil muertos, 2 millones de personas sin hogar, 200 mil refugiados

Una tragedia que dura más de 3 años. Pero los muertos de Darfur no llenan los titulares.

Firma la petición on-line para que la RAI, Mediaset y La7 den más espacio televisivo para la ifnormación sobre Darfur y otras crisis humanitarias.

“Escribo para protestar por el poco espacio dedicado por su televisión al genocidio que está teniendo lugar en Durfar (Sudán).

En Darfur, durante más de 3 años, las personas están mueriendo pero la alarma que ha sido declarada por organizaciones humanitarias y militantes por los derechos humanos siguie sin ser oída por mucha parte de los medios italianos. Hata ahora, 300 mil muertos, 2 millones y medio de personas sin hogar, 200 mil refugiados han sido contabilizados, pudiéndose considerar la crisis tan grave como para considerarla un genocidio.

Todos los días las TVs alcanzan a mucha parte de la población de la península como la primera fuente de información, si no la única. La TV retiene el poder de información, incluso los periódicos pueden, aunque en una más pequeña proporción, contribuir a informar a los italianos sobre lo que está pasando en Darfur. Normalmente lo que no se dice en los medios de comunicación de masas no existe para una gran parte de las familias italianas.

Si los medios estuvieran informando conscientemente del genocidio de Darfur, esto ayudaría a parar las atrocidades que están teniendo lugar en la región.

POr esta razón, os pedimos un incremento en el espacio de información del genocidio de Darfur, para parar así las graves acciones contra los Derechos Humanos y la dignidad de la humanidad.

Como un consumidor de estos servicios públicos y privados, le pido por favor que de más importancia a esta tragedia actual, mediante programación que dé espacios, incluso diarios, sobre dossiers e informativos sobre el genocidio de Darfur.

Apreciaría inmediata atención en la materia”.

¿Qué tal una carta parecida para Telecinco, A3, Pedrojota, Luis María Ansón, Prisa, etc…? Es una proposición, pero creo que merecerá la pena. También podríamos hacer un blogroll o algo parecido. Si alguien tiene alguna idea -a ver si alguien comenta algo…. 😉 – que la ponga en comentarios.

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You remember that recently Google acquired YouTube. Well, now Google is urged to cleanup YouTube’s Copyright Troubles.

Google could make big money on advertising in the purchase of YouTube, but that potential won’t be realized unless the search engine giant cleans up the copyright violations on the online video site, an analyst firm says.

Right Voices has more.

You also remember that Google has made a special censored version of the search engine for Chinese users. Well, looks like that is making the giant firm lose market share:

When Google decided to offer a censored Chinese search engine it caused an outcry among the free-speech movement in the US who wondered what the company who had “Do no evil” as a motto was up to. Chinese internet users were equally puzzled, as they saw no reason to visit the censored Google, since they preferred the uncensored one. smile_wink [Chinese people are more intelligent that is clear…]

Two recent surveys indicated the US search engine has lost about one third of its market. While the domestic search engine Baidu was already a market leader in eyeballs, those were perceived less valuable than the group of relatively older, better educated and better-earning users of Google. The new research indicates that Google has been wiped away in its key markets in Shanghai, Beijing and Guangzhou.

Como ya sabreis Google ha comprado YouTube. De lo que no se ha hablado mucho, sin embargo, es de los problemas de copyright que va a tener Google. YouTube aloja muchos videos piratas por los que algunas empresas ya habían iniciado acciones contra ella. Ahora, al convertirse en una parte del “imperio Google”, las van a dirigir contra ella.

Pero ese no es el único problema: Google había sacado una versión censurada de su motor de búsqueda y al parecer esa es la causa de una fuerte caída en su uso en China. Los usuarios chinos de Internet prefieren la versión no censuradá así que se han pasado en masa al motor de la competencia Baidu. El motor censurado ha sido echado del mercado en mercados principales como Shanghai, Pekín o Guangzhou y ha perdido más de la tercera parte de su cuota anterior.

Google se lo tiene muy merecido.

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I’m the Blog of the Day!

I'm a Blog of the Day!


Thanks, Rob!


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From The Financial Times

The time European consumers spend online has, for the first time, overtaken the hours they devote to newspapers and magazines, a study revealed. [this is not rare: I mean, the level most newspapers and magazines -ugghhh- have here is totally disgusting. Most of them have large sections of “cotilleo“, that is, of gossiping about the personal life of famous stupid people. I am not going to write about television, because that is even more depressing…]

But the growth of new media is expanding total media consumption rather than simply cannibalising print and television.

Print consumption has re-mained static at three hours a week in the past two years, as time spent online has doubled from two to four hours. Viewers are also spending more time watching television, up from 10 hours to 12 a week. [I am sure that blogging has a little responsibility for this…]

The Jupiter Research survey of more than 5,000 people in the UK, France, Germany, Italy and Spain shows that Europeans’ use of the internet is still behind the rates seen in the US. A similar study by Jupiter of US habits found that Americans now spend 14 hours a week online – as much time as they spend watching television – and just three hours reading print. [I can only say 😉 ]

However, the rapid spread of fast broadband internet connections in Europe is likely to accelerate the trend. The average time spent online by broadband customers in Europe was seven hours a week, compared with two hours for those with dial-up connections.

Por primera vez, los consumidores europeos emplean más tiempo en internet que en leer periódicos y revistas (lo que no me extraña nada 😛 ). Esto, sin emabrgo, no significó que se disminuyera la lectura de periódicos o las horas dedicadas a la televisión, si no que, se incrementó las horas dedicadas al consumo de comunicación (seguro que los blogs han contribuido a esto…).

Sin embargo, el uso de intenet por parte de los europeos (sobre todo, email y búsquedas) está todavía lejos del nivel de USA. Pero la rápida expansión de conexiones de banda ancha en Europa puede acelerar esta tendencia.

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From Wired News:

Internet search leader Google is in talks to acquire the popular online video site YouTube for about $1.6 billion, the Wall Street Journal reported Friday, citing a person familiar with the matter.

Mountain View-based Google and San Mateo-based YouTube are still at a sensitive stage in the discussion, the newspaper reported on its website.

The blog TechCrunch had reported on rumors of the acquisition talks. Representatives from Google and YouTube did not immediately return calls to The Associated Press.

We will see what happens with censorship in YouTube, that has been somewhat normal nowadays. Also it has been a normal policy of Google.

By a comment in this blog, I was informed of a campaign -I had forgotten 😦 – of Amnesty International, about the role of Google, Microsoft and Yahoo! in China: Undermining Freedom of Expression in China.

While the use of information and communications technology to suppress dissent has been documented in many countries, it is the example of China that has generated the most public and political concern internationally.

In part this is because the apparatus of Internet repression is considered to be more advanced in China than in any other country, and in part because of the willingness of Internet hardware and software companies to cooperate with the Chinese government in their quest to develop a large and lucrative market.

The control the Chinese authorities maintain over their citizens’ right to freedom of expression and information is continuing and pervasive. This has put the spotlight on the contribution of Internet companies such as Yahoo!, Microsoft and Google to China’s efforts to maintain such control and restrict fundamental freedoms. In assisting the Chinese administration by complying with its censorship demands, these companies are seen to be facilitating or sanctioning the government’s efforts to control the free flow of information. They thereby contravene established international norms and values, and compromise their own stated principles.

International concern regarding the role of US companies in China’s Internet censorship policy has led the US House of Representatives Committee on International Relations to hold a joint hearing of the Subcommittee on Africa, Global Human Rights and International Operations and the Subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific.

Among the parties that provided testimony, views were expressed that US Internet companies, including Yahoo!, Microsoft and Google, have colluded with the Chinese authorities, undermining their self-proclaimed corporate values, as well as the human right to freedom of expression and information. Although there are other Internet companies worthy of investigation for involvement and assistance in the Chinese government’s Internet censorship, as well as the suppression of dissent, the focus of this report is limited to Yahoo!, Microsoft and Google.

All three companies have, in one way or another, facilitated or colluded in the practice of censorship in China. Yahoo! has provided the Chineseauthorities with private and confidential information about its users.This included personal data that has been used to convict at least two journalists, considered by Amnesty International to be prisoners of conscience. Microsoft has admitted to shutting down a blog on the basis of a government request. Google has launched a censored version of its international search engine in China. All three companies have demonstrated a disregard for their own internally driven and proclaimed policies. They have made promises to themselves, their employees, their customers and their investors which they failed to uphold in the face of business opportunities and pressure from the Chinese government. This raises doubts about which statements made by these organisations can be trusted and which ones are public relations gestures.

Of the three companies, Google has come closest to acknowledging publicly that its practices are at odds with its principles, and to making a commitment to increase transparency by informing users in China when a web search has been filtered. Although there are many other transparency options that the company should consider, these are welcome first steps.While each of Yahoo!, Microsoft and Google may be considered to be complicit in the Chinese government’s denial of freedom of information, Yahoo!’s actions have, in particular, assisted the suppression of dissent with severe consequences for those affected. The company allowed its Chinese partner to pass evidence to the authorities that was subsequently used to convict individuals, at least two of whom received long prison sentences for peacefully exercising their legitimate right to freedom of expression.

Thus Yahoo! appears to have failed to honour its responsibility to ensure that its own operations and those of its partners are not complicit in human rights abuses. This is in breach of widely recognised international human rights principles for companies

El líder de las búsquedas en Internet, Google, va a adquirir el sitio de vídeos de YouTube, por aproximadamente 1.6 billones de dólares, según ha informado el Wall Street Journal, aunque las conversaciones están todavía en un momento sensible.

Veremos si esto incrementa o disminuya la censura que se respira en Youtube y en Google. Hay que señalar que Amnistía Internacional presentó un informe sobre cómo Google, Yahoo! y Microsoft habían cambiado sus políticas para complacer al Gobierno chino en sus demandas de límites a la libertad de expresión.

UPDATE: According to Financial Times, there are several suitors pursuing YouTube. Among others, FT points to Ruphert Murdoch, from News Corp (owner of Fox News, for example).

Warner is also interested in YouTube: Warner Music

has agreed to make its library of music videos available to YouTube, marking the first time that an established record company has agreed to distribute its content through the user-generated media company.

Under the agreement, YouTube users will have full access to videos from Warner artists like the Red Hot Chili Peppers and Madonna. They will also be permitted incorporate material from those videos into the clips that they create and upload to YouTube. Warner and YouTube will share advertising revenue sold in connection with the video content.

No sólo Google quiere comprar YouTube: el periódico Financial Times apunta a Rupert Murdoch como otro de los intereados.

Por otra parte Warner Music va a empezar a distribuir los videos de sus artistas en YouTube, pudiendo los usuarios, no sólo verlos si no modificarlos y volverlos a colgar del sitio de descarga.

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Yesterday, I wrote about Writely . Today I am going to blog from another Web application, WriteToMyBlog , about whose existence a reader informed me some days ago.

The interface is really impressive: it has even more features than Writely! You can insert tables, custom characters, even edit the CSS style. The processor even lets you split the post -in Blogger I think you are not able to do that-. Lastly, you can also use the fullscreen mode AND it also includes the possibility of inserting technorati tags.

Inconveniences: I have not seen any trackback feature -ERROR: IT HAS TRACKBACK FEATURE, so this is not an inconvenience no more, though I have to send the post and see if my suspicions 😉 are true. The program is not very quick though -my connection is not the fastest, so perhaps that’s the reason why the dialog boxes do not appear instantly ;)-. Lastly, if you use Mozilla or Firefox , you can’t copy and paste. 😦

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Blogging with Writely

Some days ago, El Cerrajero told me to try Writely.com , so that’s what I am going to do now.

Writely is one of the new Web 2.0 resources, where you can write documents as if it were Word or OpenOffice.org. But it lets you also blog directly to your personal webpage.

The interface is really agreeable. It has the most important functions (including the justify text, that normally is not included in the most important part of the blog editors). There are several possibilities of formatting text, in fact more than I have seen for a long time. You can save your documents -it saves it automatically everything you write-, and there is a spell checker.

There are some inconveniences. As writely is owned by Google, and Google also owns Blogger , there are several features that are missing, such as trackbacks -in Blogger you have to add haloscan– or technorati tags, which are both very useful . Especially, the trackbacks to connect posts which are writing of related issues. Trackbacks are included in some other blogging platforms, such as wordpress (this blog, for example, uses wordpress on wordpress.com), typepad or blogharbor.

But for people blogging with blogger is a very comfortable tool, which I am going to add to the sidebar after “web resources”


Hace algunos días, El Cerrajero me aconsejó que probara Writely.com, así que eso es lo que estoy haciendo.

Es una aplicación Web 2.0, donde se pueden editar y crear documentos de Word o OpenOffice.org. Pero también permite bloguear.

Su interfaz es muy agradable. Tiene todas las funciones de formato deseables -incluso permite incrementar o disminuir el tamaño de la letra-, como ya veis arriba. Incluso tiene función para grabar los posts -los graba además automáticamente- y también tiene corrector ortográfico -que está en inglés- 😉

Sin embargo, para mi presenta distintos inconvenientes. El más importante sin duda, es que como Writely es propiedad de Google y Google también es dueño de Blogger, que no tiene funcionalidad para usar trackbacks -si no se le añade la aplicación externa haloscan, no se tiene posibilidad -o al menos yo no la he encontrado ;)- de mandar trackbacks, ni tampoco de incluir tags de technorati o del.cio.us, ambas características muy útiles.

I am adding tags manually:

del.cio.us tags: writely, blog editors, Web 2.0.

technorati tags: writely, blog editors, Web 2.0.

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Windows Live Writer has updated some of its features. Now you can enter tags in posts, which is something very useful. You can customize provider, although most famous tags, like technorati or delicious are pre-selectioned.

I have not used the trackback feature, which, in the previous version, only went well if it was a ping to a wordpress blog, but not if it were a trackback from haloscan or to other blog software. When I use it, I will write about the results [By the way, it happens the same -at least to me- with Qumana 😦 ].

Also Opera.com has launched the new Opera 9.2. You can download it here. It comes -since the last version, althought now more have been added- with widgets, little programs which add functionality to the web browser. Inconvenients? I have to download it and see for myself how it goes. It has a blogging tool, though it is not WYSIWYG. Anyway, the author says it is going to add a few functionalities in the future, but at this stage is somewhat simple.

Windows Live Writer ha actualizado alguna de sus características. Se pueden introducir tags (Technorati o delicious….) en los posts. No he usado todavía los trackbacks -que en la anterior versión no funcionaban si no eran pings de wordpress… 😉 -.

Opera.com ha lanzado el nuevo Opera.com. Podeis descargarlo aquí, también en español. Todavía no me lo he descargado, aunque desde luego es uno de los mejores -si no el mejor 🙂 – de los navegadores. El problema para mí es que no tiene un editor de blogs -como Qumana o Performancing-. No tiene todavía, porque sí existe un widget -arriba está el link- que permite “bloguear“, pero no es WYSIWYG, esto es, no sale formateado en el editor como queda en el blog [WYSIWYG es What See Is What You Get, esto es, Lo que ves es lo que obtienes, traducido literalmente]

Previous Posts: New Blog Editors.

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Two tech news

Yahoo! Search is going to be pre-installed as the default search engine in all HP computers. This comes after Yahoo! has also signed a similar agreement with Acer. HP computers has an approx. share of 15% (19% on the US market and 16% in Europe), while Acer is now the 4th producer of computers, with a market share of 5%. Yahoo! will be offered in a fortnight to nearly 20% computers in the world.

These two agreements come as an answer to the one that Google and Dell made last May. Dell has 17% of the world market and more than 20% of US market.

The third in this war is Microsoft and its search engine MSN Search, which sees, with each of these agreements, how its market share vanishes a little more.

The second tech news is about Google Reader, Google’s web RSS reader, being launched with a new design and with new characteristics. If you are a Gmail user, you can launch it, pressing at the top left of your screen, “all my services” and then Reader. [Comment: I have encountered a problem. GR makes it easy to send each news with Gmail… Well, er… no. When you press the appropriate button, the program encounters an error and just stops.]

Yahoo! ha llegado a un acuerdo con HP para preinstalar su motor de búsqueda en todos los ordenadores como el preferido por el usuario, lo mismo que ya hizo con la marca Dell. Estos acuerdos se enmarcan en la lucha por la cuota de mercado con Google, que llegó a un acuerdo parecido el pasado mayo con Dell, y Microsoft, que ve como disminuye la cuota de mercado de su propio buscador MSN Search.

Para los que teneis Gmail, ha llegado la nueva generación del Google Reader, su lector de RSS, con nuevo diseño y características. Podeis iniciarlo pinchando -una vez en Gmail- a la izquierda arriba en donde pone “todos mis servicios” y luego en Reader.

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Yesterday I wrote about Russians being accused of a coup which intended to change the Georgian Government. Today, from the blog Taking Aim, Georgia has surrounded the Russian Army Headquarters in Tbilisi.

Have found two blogs which seem to be really good.

  1. The first one about Venezuelan reality called Venezuelan News and Views. The blogger profile says: Written from the Venezuelan provinces, this blog started as private letters to my friends overseas, letters narrating the difficult days of the 2002/2003 strike in Venezuela. These letters became this mix of news, comments, pictures of the Venezuelan situation. Unknowingly, I have written the diary of Venezuela slow decent into authoritarianism, the slow erosion of our liberties, the takeover of the country by a military caste, the surrendering of our soul to our inner demons. You should read about Anti-Semitism in Venezuela or Chavez’s concept of democracy: not applicable.
  2. The second one is about Belarus. Belarus -Bielorrusia en español- is a very unknown country in Spain. And information is always useful. But if this does not convince you, what about this photo?

If you want to laugh, Bill [Clinton] and Belinda [Stronach]’s excellent adventure. Looks like Clinton is now with the Canadian Conservative-turned-out-Liberal Stronach. Or so it is rumoured.

Newsweek: China’s Wealth Woes.

Beijing’s growing dollar hoard represents the most dangerous imbalance in today’s global economy. The United States is both importing heavily from China and borrowing heavily from the country to finance those purchases, pushing the dollar down and putting the two economic superpowers on a collision course. Washington politicians demand that Beijing raise the value of the yuan against the dollar, and Chinese officials have hinted that if pushed too hard they might shift their near-trillion-dollar reserve out of U.S. Treasury bonds, which could trigger a U.S. and global recession. The main thing preventing this confrontation is the fact that both sides have too much to lose. Former U.S. Treasury secretary Lawrence Summers once called this “the balance of financial terror.” What has gone widely unremarked is that, increasingly, this balance is threatening China as much as the United States.

The United States has been worrying for the past 25 years about a mounting trade deficit and the threat it poses to America’s financial pre-eminence. But China now views its surplus with growing alarm, too. Its dollar mountain reflects huge demand for Chinese goods and the Chinese currency needed to buy those goods.

Also from Newsweek: Silent Games.

Beijing’s goals are far more sweeping than the chicken-and-monkey metaphor could encompass. Today’s targets are not just domestic media and foreign correspondents, not just our Chinese sources and local assistants. Less than two years before Beijing hosts the 2008 Summer Olympics, authorities are in the midst of a concerted—and disturbing—effort to slam stricter controls on what Chinese know and how they know it. The aim of the recent crackdown is not only to silence individual “troublemakers,” but also to beef up institutional controls over the free flow of information. This is a grim portent for the 2008 Games, when some 20,000 international journalists are expected to descend on Beijing. “These latest measures sound a wake-up call to the international community that a closed, state-controlled Olympics is on the horizon,” warns Sharon Hom, executive director of Human Rights in China, an NGO.

Asia’s Mistery Man, about Shinzo Abe, likely to be the new Japanese leader:

What will the world see when the cameras are finally trained on Abe? The problem is that no one—not even the Japanese—really knows. At the tender age of 51, Abe is decades younger than most of his predecessors. He has no high-level government track record, and his policy views in some areas, especially in terms of economic reform, are vague. That’s caused observers to latch onto what little they do know about his ambitions—which, despite the muted reaction to his Yasukuni visit, are worrying to many outside Japan.

He’s got at least two big goals, and they’re both risky. The first is revising the Constitution to eliminate Japan’s pacifist postwar military tradition, and the second, which could be a function of the first, is defying China’s bid for regional pre-eminence. A generation ago, the first idea would have struck mainstream Japanese voters as irresponsibly radical; the second even now strikes many as fraught with uncertainty.

Rights group Slams Legal System as China Jails Blind Activist. via Causes of Interest.

Last week, authorities in the eastern province of Shandong handed a four-year jail term to Chen Guangcheng, a social activist who blew the whistle on official abuses under China’s one-child policy. Lawyers and Chen’s relatives called the trial an illegal and retaliatory move by local officials.

Background about Chen: Cina et dintorni. Chinese authorities had to postpone his judgement as his supporters gathered to protest his arrest.

Lastly, I am going to direct you to a post by Díaz Villanueva in which he quotes Danish-American-Argentinian actor Viggo Mortensen saying, about his new film, Alatriste:

“US Health system is nearly at the same level as it was in XVIth century Spain. Really, this film (Alatriste), it’s not history but plain present”.

I think it deserves no comments…

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AOL Openride

Aol has launched a new program -now in BETA- called AOL Openride. It represents a new concept of websurfing, as it has 4 panels which can be resized at your will. This four panels are:

  1. Mail Panel: if you have an account with AIM or AOL you can enter directly to it, just clicking on a button in the right part of the program called “Sign in”. AIM accounts are free and have 2GB of capacity and a very good spam detection system. The program also tells you if you have new mail. You can also see any account which has POP3 access.
  2. Explorer panel: tabbed browsing, search-panel, etc. The only problem: it is based on Internet Explorer, although with the new BETA7, it goes really smooth. But you know, if you do not like IE, then probably you won’t like this.
  3. AIM Messenger: if you have an AIM account, then it will be really useful. You won’t have to open a new program for the Messenger.
  4. Media Panel: you can hear Music on the AOL Internet Radio -free-, search your files in your computer, etc. A very interesting panel.

The publicity of the program says:

The new AOL OpenRide™ Beta software helps you do what you want online in fewer clicks and fewer hassles. No more jumping from one window to the next – everything you need is right there the moment you need it.

OpenRide is more than just a browser. The dynamic four-pane design will help save you time with these great new features:

  1. Time-saving features like tabbed browsing, thumbnail previews, and sneak peeks of emails and attachments.
  2. A new all-in-one Media Center that lets you enjoy video, music and pictures faster and with less hassles.
  3. Access your pop3 emails from the OpenRide Mail pane. Each of your email accounts are kept in separate folders, and you don’t have to sign in to each account to switch back and forth to manage them all.
  4. The panes in OpenRide automatically resize to your current activity. However, you can also resize them with the Dynasizer™ tool so you’re always in control of your online experience.

Download the beta software and start enjoying OpenRide today. As with any beta product, please review the Frequently Asked Questions and Known Issues before installing. If you encounter any issues, correspond with the Beta Staff and fellow testers in the product message boards, and be sure to file a Bug Report for any non-Known Issues that you encounter with the software.

 Ehh, yes, it is only for Windows 😉 .

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This piece of news arrived at Spanish media on September 5th but I did not have time enough for commenting it. Spanish ex-Minister for Industry, Commerce and Tourism, José Montilla -on the photo, left-, who is now Socialists’ candicate for Catalan Autonomous Government the "Generalitat", announced that Spanish Government will be able to "prevent Internet access from Spain to international services or contents whose interruption or withdrawal has been decided by some competent organ". He did not mention if that organ was going to be administrative -and the Government will control it- or judicial. Everything will be included in the new Act for the Impulse of the Information Society -Ley para el Impulso de la Sociedad de la Información-.

Since the day Socialists came to power (March 14th, 2004) the Spanish blogosphere has grown very much. But it has been mostly because of citizens whose ideas are linked to the opposition, more than to the Government. So it is normal than a lot of bloggers and blog-readers are worried in Spain, because that would mean a total lack of criticism and, as a result, much power for Government-friendly media.

But the best of it, is this "inspiration":

The Government is inspired in this measure by the New York Times, which blocked the access to some news published in its website, to the British readers to fulfill British "summary phase" laws.

This is nonsense: a Government is not the same than a private newspaper. A Government must respect freedom of expression and must stand criticism, even if it is hard, boring or disgusting. Democracy is based on opinions. But on opinions based on facts and, as a result, reasonable ones. As ever, to judge something, to consider circumstances and to give oneself’s opinions, one must judge every possible important fact that can be related to the objective of one’s opinion.

Víctor Domingo, President of the Websurfers Asssociation (AI, Asociación de Internautas) declared he "did not understand very well what was referring the Minister to, especially because e did not mention the character of the "competent organs" who can take such a decision". For Mr Domingo, this is a new step in the "regulation of the interceptatation of the communications".

On June 29th, 2005, the Spanish Supreme Court accepted the illegality of a Government Regulation related to Electronic Communications, because it introduced an administrative procedure to intercept electronic communications without Judicial control. It also let agents obtain a lot of data from the citizen subject to the interceptation and of any other people who could a be part of the communication and were clients of the same operator.

You can also read Libertad DigitalYahoo Noticias, IBL News, Minuto Digital, Plus.es, La Razón, Periodista Digital, El Mundo, La Vanguardia.

Blogs: Esto no se puede aguantar, Este lado de la galaxia.

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