
Archive for the ‘Sudan’ Category

Around 1.200 people who wanted to cross the frontier from Melilla to Morocco caused the closing of the frontier post of Beni Enzar after some incidents were registered between Moroccans.According to the Government’s Delegation of Melilla, yesterday in the main frontier post of the autonomous city, a large concentration of Moroccans gathered in the gate. They wanted to cross to Spanish land to go to the last day of Melilla’s local holidays.It was then when, after the Police stopped them and did not allow them to pass, when it was discovered they lack any identification, they began throwing stones, and as a result the gate was closed.[So, who they were throwing stones at? It was not between them, it was at Spanish police… speaking about MSM accuracy 😈 ].

According to the Government’s Delegation, and considering the facts that were happening, they asked for the collaboration of the Moroccan police, who arrived at the place, “in great numbers” and helped to end the incident.

ABC.es: nacional – nacional – Una aglomeración de personas provoca el cierre de la frontera en Melilla

Hmm, they had no identification. And they say they were going to a party. Yes, of course… Talk to the hand

From Catalonia:

Ciutadans (the party of the Citizens) announced that during this week they will present several complaints, similar to the ones they have already presented in Tarragona, in other cities such as Sant Cugat, Pallejà or Vilassar de Mar, who also do not have the Spanish flag displayed.

Imagine this in your own country: there are parts of Spain where official buildings don’t display the Spanish flag! They are not fulfilling the law and say they are not going to do it at all. So how on earth they are asking citizens to do it?? (specially with taxes…)

And then if I don’t like you, I’m just going to menace you, but telling you, you’re the culprit of the menaces, not me. A real swap in the responsibility, isn’t it? Well, that happened last week-end and again yesterday.

The façade of Catalonian PP’s central office in Barcelona –located in Urgell st.- appeared on Monday totally stained of red paint. The facts happened throughout the night and were recorded by the 2 security cameras located in the office’s front doors. The Mossos d’Esquadra (Autonomous Community police) are seeing the recordings to identify the culprits. PP is linking this attack to their participation this Thursday, after three years of absence, in the National Diada of Catalonia (the regional holiday).

And after transport competences have been transferred to other Autonomous Communities , now it’s Madrid the one which is going to receive it. Really? Well, we don’t know. In the first place:

Madrid’s Autonomous Community will have a share in the management of the outskirts trains which travel inside its territory, and of the Barajas airport. It also will have the management of the M-40 motorway with a total State funding of €400 millions to make all the “necessary public works” of connections and windenings.
Those are some of the commitments that Madrid’s AC President, Esperanza Aguirre, succeded to snatch away from Zapatero during their meeting.

The Minister for Public Adminsitration, Elena Salgado, has assured that the Government is ready to give the Autonomous Community a “share in the management” of the net of outskirt trains of the region but not to give Madrid the competence in that respect
Salgado has underlined that in Madrid’s Autonomy Statute does not figure that as a competence of the Community, while it appears on the Catalonian’s one.

So, as Catalonian statute has it (it is contested before the Constitutional Tribunal), the rest are asking for it…From my point of view, this is insane. It’s good to transfer some competences but not ALL, as the equality for all citizens is not really guaranteed then. And the citizens get confused…


Some days ago, a polemic erupted when Bishop Muskens told a television audience that Catholics (for example, me) should call God, Allah (Not in a Million Years! Angry). The Catholic Education Resource Center has an article by Kathleen Turner about this “idea”. An excerpt:

as Muskens pointed out, Allah is a lovely sounding word. Thus, in the spirit of Christian charity and Western tolerance, I’ve been trying it out with mixed results.

The Doxology of my Protestant childhood is problematic with the two-syllable Allah instead of the monosyllabic God, but not impossible: Praise Allah, from whom all blessings flow. Praise him, all creatures here below. Not perfect, but workable.

Changing Western language, symbols and making other accommodations to ease relations between old Europe and new isn’t only a conciliatory gesture or even mere appeasement. It is submission by any other name.

America ‘s familiar childhood blessing is downright euphonious: Allah is great, Allah is good, let us thank him for our food. But the Apostle’s Creed is a mess: I believe in Allah the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ his only son … . Oops.Contrary to Hooper’s one-God claim, Christians and Muslims don’t really worship the same God. Although both religions are monotheistic — and if there’s just one God, there’s just one God — Christians believe Jesus was the Son of God and Muslims think otherwise.That’s not a small doctrinal difference. In fact, at the risk of exhausting the obvious, Christianity doesn’t exist without, um, Christ. Of course we could rewrite the Apostle’s Creed to include Muhammad: “I believe in Allah the Father Almighty … and in Muhammad, his favorite prophet …

My God -not Allah-! Praying Praying for Muskens’ sanity… Because if it weren’t for Christian charity, this would be my own answer: Phbbbttt.

Luis says something basic about examples like Muskens’: The root of the Islamist problem in Europe is not on Muslims’ groups. We have to search for it in European circles, as a result of Appeasement. […] It is only our cowardice, our absolute fault of civil courage, of determination, of faith in ourselves and our own capacities. Muslims are not responsible for that. Applause


Al-Qaeda has announced that Bin “even-the-flies-getsleepy-with-my-speech” Laden, is going to appear in another video… And, accordingly to latest reports, he appears in it (Bin Laden wants a caravan of martyrs) praising the sept 11 bombers. As he did not succeed the first time in his objective of terrifying everyone with his youthness (false: his hair was dyed Laughing), and considering that another loooooooooooooooong speech quoting Noam Chomsky, would definitely get all the human beings to sleep Sleepy, he has decided that it’s better to let one of the suicide terrorists speak.

The latest videotape, of the hijacker’s testament, had not yet been posted on extremist web sites. But IntelCenter, a monitoring group in suburban Washington, said it had obtained the 47-minute video and provided it to Associated Press Television News.

In the tape, bin Laden praised al-Shehri, saying he “recognized the truth” that Arab rulers were “vassals” of the West and had “abandoned the balance of (Islamic) revelation.”

It is true that this young man was little in years, but the faith in his heart was big,” he said.

So there is a huge difference between the path of the kings, presidents and hypocritical Ulama (Islamic scholars) and the path of these noble young men,” like al-Shehri, bin Laden said. “The formers’ lot is to spoil and enjoy themselves whereas the latters’ lot is to destroy themselves for Allah’s Word to be Supreme.”

It remains for us to do our part. So I tell every young man among the youth of Islam: It is your duty to join the caravan (of martyrs) until the sufficiency is complete and the march to aid the High and Omnipotent continues,” he said.

Bin Laden:

is re-emerging to tout his leadership — whether symbolic or effective — of the jihad movement. While past anniversary videos featured old footage of bin Laden, the latest appears likely to include a newly made speech.

Bin Laden had not appeared for nearly three years until a new video was released over the weekend. In that video, he addressed the American people, telling them the war in Iraq is a failure and taking on a new anti-globalization rhetoric. He urged Americans to abandon capitalism and democracy and embrace Islam. Rolling on the floor

Al-Qaida’s media arm, Al-Sahab, announced the impending second video Monday with an advertising banner posted on an Islamic militant Web forum where the group often posts its messages.

The video was likely to be released within 24 hours to coincide with Sept. 11, said Ben Venzke, head of IntelCenter, a U.S. group that monitors and analyzes militant messages.

He even has not changed clothes:

The Web banner included a still image of bin Laden from the upcoming video. Shown raising his finger, he wears the same dyed-black beard and the same clothes — white robe and round cap and beige cloak — that he had on in the video posted on the Web on Saturday.

Raised Eyebrow Well, err, not impressed yet. That beard does not make you more attractive… Or is it that bitter expression?

Anyway, what really impresses me is the never-ending birth of more heads to the Al-Qaeda hydra -and the lack of fight against the Islamist ideology…-:

Six years after the September 11 attacks, Osama bin Laden’s al Qaeda network is bleeding the U.S. military in Iraq while regrouping with an avowed aim of another strike on the United States. U.S. intelligence agencies and other analysts say security improvements and international efforts against al Qaeda have helped prevent another major U.S. attack.

But the network’s ability to attack the West is rebounding, they say, and already it has met what some analysts describe as a goal of luring the United States into a damaging Middle East war that would cripple U.S. influence in the region.

Al Qaeda has inspired cells and sympathizers who may be unable to strike on the scale of September 11 but can nevertheless cause death and destruction.

“They have regained a significant level of their capability,” National Intelligence Director Michael McConnell said of al Qaeda during a Senate hearing on Monday, the eve of the sixth anniversary. “The threat is real,” he said.

And well, not attacking his ideology in the war of ideas happening just now, just condemns the rest to fight these jihadis for a long time. See:

“To us, war is a finite undertaking with a clear beginning and a clear end,” says Brian Jenkins, a senior adviser to the president of RAND Corp. in Arlington, Va. “To our jihadist foes, war is a perpetual condition.” Whew

[…]In Western media much time and space has been devoted to analyzing the appearance of the terrorist leader himself, notes author and former CIA analyst Michael Scheuer. Was his black beard – which was obviously dyed – a sign of some sort? Did it mean his health was better, or worse?

But the debate on cable TV news might better have focused on bin Laden urging Americans to embrace Islam, says Mr. Scheuer.

In the US, that rhetoric might be rejected as silly; in the Islamic world, it could be seen as an offer that goes the extra mile. It might allow bin Laden to later say that he did all he could before he launched further attacks.

“From their perspective the world is going their way. It was a very confident speech,” says Scheuer, a former chief of the CIA’s Osama bin Laden tracking unit.

it could be seen as an offer that goes the extra mile“… let me see, yeah, “I’m going to make you an offer you could never reject“, The Godfather. Well, Bin Laden, even if you dye your beard, you’re no Marlon Brando (and no, I do not like Marlon Brando very much, but compared with Bin Laden… Raised Eyebrow).

Osama bin Laden himself has not attended this council in two years, says Bruce Hoffman, a professor of security studies at Georgetown University. Instead, it is run by his long-time deputy, Mr. Zawahiri.

Zawahiri now has placed key allies in charge of such crucial missions as communications with the outside world. He has engineered affiliations with radical Islamic groups in Algeria and elsewhere.

He has become the driving force behind Al Qaeda, and is probably content that we are still obsessed with Osama bin Laden,” says Mr. Hoffman.

Al Qaeda’s rebuilt organizational capacity may be revealed by the recent arrests in Germany that alledgedly derailed a plot to bomb US-related targets.

Hmmm, so basically, Zawahiri is hiding after Bin Laden. Dangerous…

Related news:

Thompson: due process for Bin Laden, though he needs to be caught and killed.

US man jailed for Al-Qaeda links. A US federal judge has sentenced a Californian man to 24 years in jail for attending an al-Qaeda training camp in Pakistan and lying about it. The judge said Hamid Hayat, 25, had returned home ready and willing to wage violent jihad (hmm, is there another one in terms of security? Thinking ). He was arrested in 2005 after returning from a two-year trip to Pakistan. Prosecutors said he received terrorist training and plotted against targets in California, including banks, hospitals and government buildings.

(+) Red Alerts reports that a lot of Jihadi websites have been deleted, even the one who had a post titled “Happy 9/11 to All the Muslims of the World”.

More in The Midnight Sun. A must read. Don’t know if it’s true or not but, at least, it’s logical.


Sudanese Government, just peacefully acting in Darfur, while conversations are on motion:

Sudanese government planes have bombed the town of Haskinita in North Darfur, a rebel official has told the BBC.

Rebel Justice and Equality Movement official Abdel Aziz said the aerial attacks had killed at least 25 civilians and three of his fighters.

He said the bombardment had started on Monday afternoon and then ground forces entered the rebel-controlled town.

Sudan’s government was not available for comment. African Union peacekeepers could not confirm the reports.

The Jem official said most of town’s residents had fled.

At least there are 12 people killed, in another flagrant violation of the terms of the ceasefire approved by UN.

So Sudan’s government at first was not available for comment BUT afterwards it has denied all of these facts -as it ever does-. Striaght FaceWaiting So what is going to do Ban “I’m-impressed-for-what-I’ve-seen-although-I-have-known-it-for-years-but-it’s-good-to-say-it-now” Ki-Moon now?” Because:

The African Union spokerperson –African Union has deployed 7.000 soldiers in Darfur–, Noureddine Mezni, confirmed he has received similar reports about what happened. An African Union soldier in Haskanita confirmed to AP that “real combats” happened there during all day.

“We heard air bombings and constant shootings very near”, the soldier explained, asking to be kept annonymous. “I don’t know how many victims there are, but the city was severelly attacked”, he added. He also confirmed that the AU contingent did not take part in the fight, justifying that measure because of the redeploymeny of all forces to a reduced complex in Haskanita since June and due to the violence in the region.

So, just to explain here: soldiers, sent to ensure there is no fighting, do not meddle between the fighters because there is violence in the region. Hmm, so what are they doing there then??? Waiting Speaking about international organizations effectiveness…

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 More on the liberation of South Korean hostages: remember the guy who was killed by 10 shots and whose death was blamed on natural causes? Well, really it was not because of natural causes, it was because he did not submit himself to Allah.

The youth pastor who was leading the group of 23 South Korean aid volunteers in Afghanistan was killed for refusing to convert to Islam, the head pastor of the church revealed after the final 19 former hostages arrived home.

Among the 19 hostages who returned on the second (of September), some were asked by the Taliban to convert and when they rejected, they were assaulted and severely beaten,” reported Park Eun-jo, pastor of the hostages’ home church, Saemmul Presbyterian Church in Bundang, just south of the South Korean capital Seoul.

I heard from the hostages that they were threatened with death,” he added, according to Christian Today Korea. “Especially it is known that the reason Pastor Bae Hyung-kyu was murdered was because he refused the Taliban’s demand to convert.”

Infidels Are Cool » Blog Archive » Convert or Die: South Korean Pastor chose death

Is there anything wrong about this??? Well, yeah, have you considered that there is no video showing us the faces of these hostages during their kidnapping asking for release?

But hey, what do you know?? There are idiots -this time is Canadian, but intelligence is not a consequence of nationality so tomorrow it would be from other country- saying that this should be the signal for other countries to start negotiating with the Talibans.

The hostage agreement reached last week between the Taliban and South Korea has profound implications for all countries fighting in Afghanistan. It puts the lie to those, including the current Canadian government, who say it is impossible or counterproductive to strike a deal with the Islamist insurgents. Clearly South Korea found the talks quite productive.

Hey, the Talibans are going to be exultant because of the results of their actions… What a moron!!!

Hehe: at least, one of the kidnappers has had what he deserved. He was already preparing an assault on a police post.


About the German plot: German police is searching for 10 more people, both inside Germany and abroad:

BERLIN (AFP) – German police have launched an international hunt for 10 accomplices of the three men held over a foiled Islamist plot to blow up airports and US installations in Germany, a top official said Thursday.

“Terrorist attacks need preparation. We are trying to identify all of those who were working in the shadows,” Deputy Interior Minister August Hanning told ARD television.

Police were searching for “the 10 people who were behind this” within Germany and abroad, he added.


The arrests were made at a vacation home, pictured, in Oberschledorn. The suspects had rented the house to store chemicals to make explosives, officials said, and were preparing to leave when security forces swooped in.

But there is more about the already detained:

Newspapers reported on Thursday that investigators believed Fritz Martin G. to have been the ringleader of the plotters.

He had been living in Neu-Ulm, a town in southern Germany seen as a hotbed of Islamist radicals, and was involved in a mosque there which German police have long believed to be a base for extremists planning attacks.

Investigators said an Islamic centre in nearby Ulm was among more than 30 places the police raided early Wednesday. Offices seized documents and computers they hope can point them to those who helped to organise and finance the well-advanced bomb plot.

The three main suspects, pictured in the press wearing blue prisoner overalls, appeared before an investigating judge in Karlsruhe in southwestern Germany on Wednesday.

The authorities have said the men gathered at their Sauerland hideaway on Sunday to start making bombs to use in “massive attacks” with the 12 drums of hydrogen peroxide (left) they had stashed in the garage. 

Sources close to the case told AFP the police were looking into the group’s plans to use military detonators to set off bombs because this could provide important clues in the investigation.

They also phoned British colleagues.

Several calls to British numbers are said to been made from mobile telephones linked to two of the men being questioned in Germany. One is said to have been a “known” number.

Remember that there were also 8 people detained in Denmark accused of preparing more Islamist terrorist attacks? Well:

“On August 31, 2007, the Islamist website {name removed}, hosted by SiteGenie LLC in Rochester, Minnesota, posted a document calling for “martyrdom [i.e., suicide] operations” in Denmark. The author, who identified himself as a member of Al-Qaeda, urged the Muslims not to forget the incident of the Danish cartoons, and promised the people of Denmark that the “brigades of martyrdom seekers are on their way… and will soon carry out blessed operations” in their country. He called on the Muslims to register on the site as candidates for these suicide operations.

Once again this means only one thing: they can go from one place to another and they can communicate to each other, very easily. And we are all menaced, whatever the policy our Governments make.


Elder of Ziyon has an appaling story which happened in London. A woman enters a café in Edgware Road near Marble Arch and asks for a juice. She sits down and waits for it, noticing she is the only female customer. When the waitress brings it to her, she complaints because it was fermented and tells the woman it needed to be conserved in a refrigerator.

But the waitress answers “No– English”. So exasperated, she shouts:

Is there no-one working here who speaks English? This is Paddington – this is still a London neighbourhood.’
A well-dressed man came over and said ‘I speak English.’ I thought he was going to intervene on my behalf but instead came out with this astonishing observation:
You are a racist! You are a racist ape! Look at you– you are an ape!’[…] Shocked, I glared at him, but he had to finish things off : ‘You want them to speak Hebrew, don’t you?

😯 This man has a problem with geography…

I got up from my seat and went over to him and at the top of my voice said I would be proud to speak Hebrew if I could, it being the language of the Torah and of an ancient culture going back six-thousand years. [Heh, imagine the face of the moron…:twisted: ].
He then embarked on a tirade at me about the ‘five million Indians’ slaughtered in genocide in America. [Of course, Muslims have never killed a poor fly in their whole history…]. Meanwhile, the men in the café were in various states of laughter at me, and exhibiting great admiration for him.
Believe it or not, the server had in the meantime brought me a fresh juice which I calmly drank with my very un-Hebrew ham and cheese sandwich, and then I left. I wandered over to the flower shop and found myself commiserating with what seemed to be two Englishwomen who lived in a permanent state of fear in a neighbourhood they had called their own for generations. They told me I must have been mad going into that shop, as ‘all the establishments in Edgware Road are off-limits to us now.’

😯 Not surprised then that the British are going abroad in something very similar to an stampede.


Once again all of these stories makes this come true:

ejem… I feel this is insulting for the poor pig…


NYT has run a story critisizing Mother Theresa, and feeling disgusted because normal US nationals know Calcutta not because of its beautiful buildings and educated middle class, but because of her. So what is the problem with her and the liberal media around the world?

As a doctor, I can only shake my head at those sophisticated critics that lament her hospices don’t meet the year 2000 standards of university hospitals. They ignore the question: If Mother Teresa’s hospice was not there, where would the people go? To other Indian hospices? To University hospitals, with private beds and gourmet meals?

… The rest off the criticisms similarly show a strange envy of the good. But why Mother Teresa? Why not slime American born Ram Dass and the Indian doctors and who helped wipe out small pox in India? Or slime Mother Wichiencharoen, a Buddhist nun, for her shelters in Bangkok?But we all know why, don’t we? The NYTimes doesn’t like Catholics.

It’s the sex stupid.

Mother Teresa opposed abortion and promoted chastity. How dare she impose her rigid Catholic morality on poor Hindus, (whose religion, by the way, also opposes abortion and promotes chastity).
But the editors of the NYTimes can’t have a rich American slime Mother Teresa, so they find an Indian born woman to do it.
So let’s destroy the reputation of Mother Teresa, and we won’t feel so guilty at our next cocktail party.

SC&A writes:

We are not all Mother Teresa. That said, because we are not all Mother Teresa, we ought not diminish her status so that we might be her equal. The ability to reach within and bring the very best of who we are isn’t easy. If it were, we’d all be heroes.

We live in a world that trivializes goodness and and character. The virtues of money, sex and inflexibility are celebrated and extolled. ‘Take no prisoners’ has come to define not only political agendas, but moral ones as well. Success often means trading in values that might actualize the very best of who we are, for values that will clearly enslave us.

We do have the ability to reach that part of ourselves that is the best of ourselves and if we choose, we can make that self actualization as natural as breathing. Who we are won’t change- in fact, we can choose to reach out to our own unique potential and evolve into our best selves. Each of us has within our grasp, the opportunity to be our own expression of Mother Teresa.

Read it all: it’s really worth your time.

I have said around the world because in Spain it was El País (yes, you all know how much I love that newspaper) the liberal MSM which was worried about how on earth someone with doubts could be made saint… because she had lost her faith. 😯 Of course, what the article’s writer did not know is that Nowak -secretary of the Congregation for the Saints’ Cause- said: “It is a phenomenon which happens to every great mistic and spiritual teacher, as Saint Teresa of Jesus or Saint Juan de la Cruz, called spiritual night or senses’ night.  They are special periods of the spiritual life of the people who feel themselves abandoned by a God who they feel is very far from them“.

😈 Oh, yeah, but they are independent and objective. Yeah, without doubt…

And, while these liberal media are critisizing and diminishing her so much, the Feast the Missionaries of Charity have given in her honor and her tomb were full of people to mark the 10th anniversary of her death. In the ocassion, Sister Nirmala Joshi, her succesor as Head of the MofC, said:

Only those of an advanced level of spirituality” experience this, Sister Nirmala said, calling it a sign of being close to God. It is like being close “to the sun and so blinded by the brilliance,” she explained.


Iranian 40.000 human bombs. See the video inside (in English). Is this what gender equality means for the Iranian aytollahs?


Lastly, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has said he was “shocked and humbled” by a visit to a refugee camp in Sudan’s strife-torn Darfur region. Hmm, for someone who has been for so many years in the UN, saying that is errr, well, not very trustful… How on earth he did not know this? For a complete roundup of news regarding this, you can read Passion of the Present.

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Some days ago I wrote about Chinese hackers on German computers, now it’s on US Pentagon’s computers:

The Chinese military hacked into a Pentagon computer network in June in the most successful cyber attack on the US defence department, say American ­officials.

The Pentagon acknowledged shutting down part of a computer system serving the office of Robert Gates, defence secretary, but declined to say who it believed was behind the attack.

Current and former officials have told the Financial Times an internal investigation has revealed that the incursion came from the People’s Liberation Army.

One senior US official said the Pentagon had pinpointed the exact origins of the attack. Another person familiar with the event said there was a “very high level of confidence…trending towards total certainty” that the PLA was responsible. The defence ministry in Beijing declined to comment on Monday.

China Military Hacked Into Pentagon « Status of Chinese People



So now, NYT is worried about Arabs kiling Arabs in Sudan…:

Some of the same Arab tribes accused of massacring civilians in the Darfur region of Sudan are now unleashing their considerable firepower against one another in a battle over the spoils of war that is killing hundreds of people and displacing tens of thousands.

In the past several months, the Terjem and the Mahria, heavily armed Arab tribes that United Nations officials said raped and pillaged together as part of the region’s notorious janjaweed militias, have squared off in South Darfur, fighting from pickup trucks and the backs of camels. They are raiding each other’s villages, according to aid workers and the fighters themselves, and scattering Arab tribesmen into the same kinds of displacement camps that still house some of their earlier victims.

United Nations officials said that thousands of gunmen from each side, including some from hundreds of miles away, were pouring into a strategic river valley called Bulbul, while clashes between two other Arab tribes, the Habanniya and the Salamat, were intensifying farther south.

Darfur’s violence has often been characterized as government-backed Arab tribes slaughtering non-Arab tribes, but this new Arab-versus-Arab dimension seems to be a sign of the evolving complexity of the crisis. What started out four years ago in western Sudan as a rebellion and brutal counterinsurgency has cracked wide open into a fluid, chaotic, confusing free-for-all with dozens of armed groups, a spike in banditry and chronic attacks on aid workers.

No, honey, this is just racism, because the Arabs from the North are white while the Arabs on the South are Black. (By the way, they are not Arabs, they are Muslims…)

By the way, Ban Ki-Moon is in Sudan to press for new talks:

Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon is in Sudan to “give a push” for a new round of talks to end the four-year regional conflict and mobilize support for the speedy deployment of a new 26,000-member peacekeeping force, a top U.N. official said Monday.

Ban was expected to have dinner with President Omar al-Bashir before heading to southern Sudan on Tuesday to assess implementation of the 2005 agreement that ended a separate 21-year civil war between Sudan’s Muslim government in the north and the mostly Christian southern rebels.

He was then due Wednesday in Darfur to visit a camp for some of the 2.5 million people displaced by the conflict there, which has claimed more than 200,000 lives.

“It is important to move on several fronts,” Jean-Marie Guehenno, the U.N. undersecretary-general for peacekeeping, told reporters traveling with Ban. This is why the secretary-general has come to Sudan at this time, he said.

After his behaviour with NK, I don’t quite consider him really pushing for anything anywhere…


Microsoft copying Google:

This week, it plans to turn that strategy upside down, making available free software that connects its Windows operating system to software services delivered on the Internet, a practice increasingly referred to as “cloud” computing. The initiative is part of an effort to connect Windows more seamlessly to a growing array of Internet services.

The strategy is a major departure for Microsoft, which primarily sells packaged software for personal computers. With this new approach, Microsoft hopes to shield its hundreds of millions of software customers from competitors like Google and Salesforce.com, which already offer software applications through the Internet.

Microsoft’s new Windows Live software suite includes an updated electronic mail program, a photo-sharing application and a writing tool designed for people who keep Web logs.

The new service is an indication that Microsoft plans to compete head-on against archrival Google and others, and not only in the search-engine business where it is at a significant disadvantage. Instead, Microsoft will try to outmaneuver its challengers by becoming the dominant digital curator of all a user’s information, whether it is stored on a PC, a mobile device or on the Internet, industry executives and analysts said.

Well, this is not a surprise…

Brian Hall, general manager for Microsoft’s Windows Live services, said, “We’re taking the communications and sharing components and creating a set of services that become what we believe is the one suite of services and applications for personal and community use across the PC, the Web and the phone.”

The Windows Live service — which will be found at www.live.com — includes new versions of the company’s Hotmail and Messenger communications services as well as Internet storage components. Microsoft executives said there were roughly 300 million active users each on the Hotmail and Messenger services, with some overlap.

The software release will offer PC users the option of downloading a set of the services with a single Unified Installer program, or as separate components. The individual services are Windows Live Photo Gallery, Windows Live Mail, Windows Live Messenger 8.5 and Windows Live OneCare Family Safety, a computer security program.

We will see…



Gustavo Villoldo, 71, was involved in Guevara’s capture in the jungles of Bolivia, according to unclassified U.S. records and other documents. He plans to auction the hair and other items kept in a scrapbook since the joint CIA-Bolivian army mission 40 years ago.

“It’s time for me to put the past behind and pass these on to someone else,” said Villoldo, also a veteran of the ill-fated Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba.

The scrapbook also holds a map used to track down Guevara in Bolivia, photos of Guevara’s body, intercepted messages between Guevara and his rebels and a set of Guevara’s fingerprints taken before his burial.

let’s party afterwards.

Now if you understand Spanish, and want to vomit afterwards, read this interview by moderate centered and objective El País, “the independent diary of the morning“, to Adelaida Guevara, daughter of Ché (thanks Kate for finding it…). And then speak about “the imperialistic Spain in Cuba“. Buaff…


tiberge writes about the desecration of some French Christian cemeteries with no one raising their voices and no important MSM reporting about it:

Satanic inscriptions in English and swastikas were discovered on Friday in ten vaults of a cemetery in Toulouse (…) Several graves were covered with the words “Damned the Christ” or with swastikas, while flower pots were turned over and signs pointing to various sections of the Terre-Cabade cemetery were damaged,” according to an AFP report.

Elentir writes that in Spain some far-leftist vandals desecrated the cemetery of Paracuellos -where the victims of Communists in Madrid during the Spanish Civil War are buried- and a fascist web published a map of red (=communist) toombs and monuments to desecrate and destroy them.

What surprise me of this people is that they attack the dead. They should see the Dead of Lord of the Rings… You know: “This path is guarded by the Dead. The dead do not suffer the living to pass“. 😈 And this people so brave with the poor dead people were going to run at a huge speed. 😈


Now for some photos: This is the Bolivarian Embassy in Peru before and after Chávez. And this is the new Bolivarian 5-star hotel in Caracas. 😈 I wonder what the grand-daughter of its owner would think of the move…


From Demediacratic Nation:

Provisional Friday Prayer Leader of Tehran Ayatollah Mohammad Kashani sermonizing before a standing room only congregation said:

US administration is propagating a certain version of Christianity that is not based on Jesus Christ (PBUH) teachings, but after securing Zionists’ interests. 😯 [US administration is propagating a version of Christianity not based on Jesus Christ?? Well, then, how would you call that? 😉 ].

Based on this mentality, the Jews must gather in Palestine and then in the course of a revolution two thirds of them to get killed, and the remainder should see the reappearance of Jesus (PBUH).

Therefore, they are after gathering the entire Jews of the world in Palestine, which is definitely a move with political and Satanic roots, but the idea is put forth in the framework of an idea behind the hope for reappearance of Messiah. US President George W. Bush is the standard bearer of that mentality. That man is loathed to an extent in the United States today that the mentality he supports, too, has very limited number of supporters.”

Hey, this man should write script or something. What an imagination!! Heh. 😈


You can also read this post from Red Alerts:

The second YouTube video in as many months where a fairly young guy argues for marrying children based on Islamic values. His argument is straight from the undergraduate liberal arts textbook. He’s preaching moral moral relativism, the flip side of social science doctrine to view cultures without your inherent ethnocentrism. His argument is that since our (westerners) ethics aren’t universally accepted, it isn’t “ethical” to judge other cultures using our moral compass, but we should use the morals and ethics of the society we’re judging to judge them.

[…] Watch to be disgusted, it’s in two parts so settle in. Vid one starts slow, but the last three minutes will make any feminist worth their salt go ballistic. It’s also the verbatim argument made by Jihadi Pervert one who was from California. Odd that the someone from Canada would be repeating the same tripe. It’s almost as if their being self radicalized by hanging around a jihadi propaganda outlet.

And watch the videos inside… 😡 You know, just like the female professor I wrote about yesterday about FGM.


About censorship to Atlas Shrugs, read 1389 Blog: she has been clasified as “Violence/Hate/Racism blog by SonicWALL, a site of rating for blogs.

Anyway, she has had as ever a beautiful response from readers. Blogpower!


Announcement from Vigilant Freedom / 910 Blog:

Baron Bodissey of The Gates of Vienna is seeking assistance in producing a Counter-jihad Calendar. Each month of the calendar will feature pictures of famous scenes from various countries under threat from Islamisation, along with a series of links for anti-Islamist blogs in those countries. The following countries will be represented: Britain, France, The Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Italy, Spain, Greece, India, Australia, and the USA. Search your blogrolls for your favorite blogsites which focus on the Islamist threat in these countries, and forward them to Baron at vigilantfreedom dot com.

I’m doing a list on Spanish anti-Jihadi sites. If you’re Spanish and you have an anti-Jihadi blog, you can write a comment in this post with the link and your name so I can forward the complete list in a fortnight. According to Baron this is a summary of what this calendar is about:

The calendar was started to supplement the SIOE demonstration at the EU Parliament in Brussels on September 11th, 2007, to protest the ongoing Islamization of Europe.
SIOE asked me to help with graphics and logos for their efforts, and I was glad to comply. In the process I decided to launch a parallel enterprise, one which fits in with the Brussels demo but which will continue afterwards. I call it the “Counterjihad Calendar Project”, and it will include an iconic image of a notable Western monument for each of the twelve months.
One of the themes of the SIOE rally is “Enough is enough!” With the help of people from the various countries involved, versions of the slogan in nine different European languages were created.
Bearing in mind what has happened to Cordoba Cathedral in Spain, Hagia Sophia in Constantinople, and an uncountable number of Hindu temples in India, I wanted to associate a well-known Western building or monument on each page of the calendar. I’ve finished seven months, and have five more to go.
Since our focus at Gates of Vienna is not just on Europe, but on the ongoing Islamization of the entire civilized world, the countries on the calendar will include India, the USA, and Australia.
Some of the monuments used in the images will be well-known to everyone; others will be familiar mainly to the citizens of the countries involved. If all goes well, when the last month is ready, I’ll create a wall calendar that will be sold at our Café Press store.

The kinds of sites I want are those that spend a least 25% of their time posting about Muslim and jihad-related issues. I want to exclude anti-Semitic sites or those that hate Israel, and antything that is truly racist. The issue is the religion and ideology of Islam, and not race.

Thanks for your collaboration.

By the way, please, enter the name of your blog or of someone who has give you express permission. I do not want that later some bloggers complaint about being in the Calendar without their express consentment.


And now, something pleasant: Let the Kissing begin by Angel. Je:

SARAJEVO (AFP) — Organisers of an event in which almost 7,000 couples kissed simultaneously in a Bosnian town on Saturday said their effort deserved a place in the Guinness Book of World Records.

Bosnia claims world kissing record
Mus-lim clerics in Tuzla called for a boycott of the event, arguing it was not in line with Mus-lim tradition.

it doesn’t appear in the Quran!!” Bwahahahaha!! Must be because there are no boys kissing old men… 😦

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Christian Science Monitor has run two very important reports on China and its relationship with Sudan, something I had written about in the past:

In Sudan, China focuses on oil wells, not local needs.

Sudan’s oil production averages 536,000 barrels a day, according to estimates by the Paris-based International Energy Agency. Other estimates say it is closer to 750,000 barrels a day. And there is an estimated 5 billion-barrel reservoir of oil beneath Sudan’s 1 million-square-mile surface, almost all of it in the south of the country, an area inhabited mainly by Christian and animist black Africans who fought a 21-year civil war against the Arab-dominated Muslim government of the north.

The vast majority of this oil, 64 percent, is sold to China, now the world’s second-largest consumer of oil. And while neither Khartoum, China, nor Petrodar release any statistics – this is generally believed to be an oil deal worth at least $2 billion a year.

China’s National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) is the majority shareholder in both Petrodar and the Greater Nile Petroleum Operating Company, two of the biggest oil consortiums in Sudan.

CNPC has invested billions in oil-related infrastructure here in Paloich, including the 900-mile pipeline from the Paloich oil fields to the tanker terminal at Port Sudan on the Red Sea, a tarmac road leading to Khartoum, and a new airport with connecting flights to Beijing.

But they have not invested in much else here.

Locals live in meager huts, eating peanuts with perch fished out of the contaminated Nile. There is no electricity. A Swiss charity provides healthcare. An American aid group flies in food and mosquito nets. Most children do not go to school. There is no work to be found. Petrodar, for one, has its own workers – almost all of whom are foreigners (mostly Chinese, Malaysians, and Qataris) or Sudanese northerners. The consortium hires Paloich residents only rarely, for menial jobs.

h/t Desde el Exilio.

And remember the Sudanese genocide in Darfur? Well, err:

How China’s support of Sudan shields a regime called ‘genocidal’

Mercenaries are scooping up contracts here. Arms dealers are flying in and out on the daily flight from Nairobi, Kenya. And the rebels, theoretically out of work, are training full time on the dunes around Juba, South Sudan’s self-proclaimed capital.

Up north, in Sudan’s capital, Khartoum, weapons arsenals are filling up, talk is tough, and clear signals are being sent out that the resource-rich south will never be allowed to be independent.


More than two years after the north-south peace agreement, and four years before the expected southern referendum on secession – it’s a matter of time, say observers, before the fragile calm blows up, reigniting the 21-year civil war that left 1.5 million dead.

It’s a lull in which both sides are regrouping for the new war,” says a Canadian UN military observer stationed in South Sudan, speaking on condition of anonymity.

Meanwhile, the Darfur crisis that has killed more than 200,000 and displaced more than 2.5 million in western Sudan continues to rage unabated, helping Sudan earn the top spot on Foreign Policy magazine’s “Failed State Index” for the second year in a row.

The Chinese are as much to blame for this situation as anyone, say critics, and not so much because of their economic policies but because of political ones.

Beijing has “a vested interest in the continuation of a low level of insecurity. It keeps the other major investors out,” charges the Brussels-based International Crisis Group (ICG) in a report. The report argues that China welcomes the absence of real peace in Sudan as enhancing its business opportunities, whatever the cost to southern Sudanese civilians: “There is [on the part of the Chinese] an almost total disregard for the human rights implications of their investments.”

This is unacceptable to leaders of the semiautonomous south who say they won’t sit idly by while revenue from Chinese drilling in their oil fields goes mostly to the Arab-dominated government in the north.

“This peace is ugly,” says Daniel Deng Moyndit, a former rebel who now chairs the Government of South Sudan’s parliamentary security committee. “They [Khartoum government officials] are not serious … and any state is entitled to defense in anticipation of aggression.”

Despite this, China doesn’t want another government in charge,” adds a Khartoum-based humanitarian aid worker, speaking on condition of anonymity. “They’re used to dealing with this government.”

While pockets of South Sudan are seeing some economic benefits from the shaky peace, the region in general is shortchanged. The main sore point has to do with years of underdevelopment and a perception that oil revenues are not being shared fairly.

Under the peace deal between north and south, oil profits are to be shared: 50 percent to the south, 48 percent to the north, and 2 to the specific oil-producing areas. But many in South Sudan say this agreement is not being implemented fairly.

Read both. They are very important.

And while this happens, our King and Queen do not suspend their visit to China to pay respects to the fallen because they are “strenghening ties with the Asian giant“.smile_baringteeth

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Daimnation!: The root cause of the violence in Darfur

According to the new UN Secretary, it’s all about global warming [excerpts out of sequence]:Two decades ago, the rains in southern Sudan began to fail. According to U.N. statistics, average precipitation has declined some 40 percent since the early 1980s. Scientists at first considered this to be an unfortunate quirk of nature. But subsequent investigation found that it coincided with a rise in temperatures of the Indian Ocean, disrupting seasonal monsoons. This suggests that the drying of sub-Saharan Africa derives, to some degree, from man-made global warming.

It is no accident that the violence in Darfur erupted during the drought. Until then, Arab nomadic herders had lived amicably with settled farmers. A recent Atlantic Monthly article by Stephan Faris describes how black farmers would welcome herders as they crisscrossed the land, grazing their camels and sharing wells. But once the rains stopped, farmers fenced their land for fear it would be ruined by the passing herds. For the first time in memory, there was no longer enough food and water for all. Fighting broke out. By 2003, it evolved into the full-fledged tragedy we witness today…

At this point, nothing surprises me about this man at all. But Darfur conflict is mainly an ethnic and religious conflict in which the Government, arming and unleashing the Janjaweed militias, has caused an ethnic and religious cleasing of, firstly, the non-Muslims (Christians and Animists) and of the Black Muslims, afterwards, when the first ones were virtually exterminated. Of course, the huge sea of oil under Darfurian soil has also have something to do with it, specially for China, who is aggresively exploiting it. Hmm, no more blood for petrol!! Eeh, no, it’s China, all for the people…

But of course, for Ban Ki-Moon, the most important reason of all, is the climate change induced, to some extent, by man. Of course, the extent of this man’s influence is not even measured…

Alex de Waal is one of the most important experts on the Horn of Africa: Chasing Ghosts: Alex de Waal on the rise and fall of militant Islam in the Horn of Africa (2005):

Khartoum had been saved from certain military defeat when its adversaries fell out among themselves. In May 1998, Eritrea and Ethiopia went to war over their disputed border, and a couple of months later Ugandan and Rwandan troops fought each other in the occupied Congolese city of Kisangani. As the attempt to found an Islamic state was running into the sand, so was the rival left-wing project of revolutionary militarism. The guerrillas-turned-governments in the four ‘frontline states’ were, like the Sudanese leaders, concerned only with staying in power.

This parallel is more than a neat coincidence. The radical Islamists and their regional enemies shared ideological fervour and organisational discipline. Both believed that enduring problems of state and society could be overcome by revolutionary change; and, as this failed, both reverted to simple power politics. Like other political creeds, jihadist Islamism is shaped by the contours of local politics – and sometimes it vanishes into the landscape.

The demise of grand ideology in the Horn did not mean the end of violence or militancy. Various ideologies have emerged from the ruins of the Islamic state project. Most are regional or tribal. In Darfur and Chad, Arab supremacism took over. Leaders of the infamous Janjawiid militia adhere to the philosophy of Qoreish, according to which the lineal descendants of the Prophet Muhammad and his Qoreish tribe are entitled to rule Muslim lands. This supposedly gives the Arabic-speaking Saharan Bedouin of the Juhayna confederation the right to dominate all the land between the Nile and Lake Chad. While US Special Forces chase a handful of jihadists in the mountains of the central Sahara, they have overlooked this vicious and archaic ideology, which has spread far more havoc just a few miles to the south.

Jihad in Sudan? What Jihad in Sudan? by Robert Spencer – HUMAN EVENTS

For a decade Khartoum has waged what the regime itself calls a jihad against Christians and tribalists in the South. A 1992 fatwa issued by a group of pro-Khartoum Sudanese imams declared: “An insurgent who was previously a Muslim is now an apostate and a non-Muslim is a non-believer standing as a bulwark against the spread of Islam, and Islam has granted the freedom of killing both of them.” This allowed for the murder of Christians and animists in the south; now it has been turned against the Muslims of Darfur, whose Islam doesn’t measure up to Khartoum’s hardline standards. Yet Annan has never acknowledged that what is going on in Sudan is a jihad. And this is just one manifestation of the by-now inescapable fact that the United Nations is damaged beyond repair. The Islamic states maintain an unbreakable solidarity. The only exception to their unwillingness to condemn other Muslim states came when Saddam Hussein’s Iraq attacked Kuwait.Meanwhile, the Europeans and Chinese have oil interests in Sudan that dovetail nicely at the UN with the Islamic bloc’s determination to repel any criticism. France, the most energetic opponent of UN sanctions against the Khartoum regime, is heavily invested in Sudan through its oil giant ElfTotal. 

The emperor has no clothes, but Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, Physicians for Human Rights and
Oxfam are still paying enthusiastic obeisance. A perusal of each of their websites demonstrates that they criticize the UN only with extreme reluctance and in the most muted tones. In a startling recrudescence of the old “white man’s burden” mentality, they tend to focus more anger at the United States and Western Europe for failing to stop killings than at the murderers themselves. And above all, they won’t describe the conflict as what it really is: a jihad, another example of the crying need for large-scale reform within Islam.

Well, Sarkozy has apparently changed the French ideas in this respect, firstly, calling for a Chinese intervention in the crisis, something very dificult to achieve considering the Chinese practices in Sudan. And secondly, by making Darfur, one of his priorities.

[En español]

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Darfur update

The Independent:

Flying over the vast expanse of Chadian desert to get to the refugee camps housing tens of thousands of refugees from Darfur, you get a very clear picture of what normal villages look like on both sides of the border. Small clusters of perhaps 10 to 20 thatched huts are ringed by fences made out of branches of the thorn tree. Sometimes a few kilometres away there will be another cluster of huts, but sometimes a village is isolated.

I had no trouble imaging an attack by Sudanese forces and their Janjaweed militias. This was my second trip to the camps and the day before, a group of despairing women I met with in the Gaga Camp – the only one of twelve camps in Chad that is still accepting refugees from Darfur – had talked about the attacks they had lived through. They all described the chaos and terror in their villages as men attacked on camel and horseback, accompanied by Sudanese government troops in vehicles, in the early hours of the morning, while most were still sleeping.

Sweeping through a village, the men would shoot at anything that moved. Livestock was stolen or killed; the same with crops – stolen or destroyed. The village then would be burned to the ground. Hundreds and hundreds of villages throughout Darfur have suffered that fate in the Khartoum-orchestrated counterinsurgency war that has primarily targeted defenceless civilians.

Another tactic used throughout this war that erupted in 2003, when rebels began attacking Sudanese military targets in Darfur, is rape – rape as a weapon of war. In Bredging refugee camp, I was able to meet a group of 30 women for an hour – and within that hour, five women described their own rapes, always gang rape. Rape to destroy not only the women, but their families and communities. One of the women was 35, the mother of eight children. When her husband learned that she had been raped repeatedly by Janjaweed fighters, he divorced her on the spot and she has been alone since. Another of the women – age 17 – was rejected by her fiance after her rape.


African Union soldiers on patrol in the town of Muhujariya in south Darfur. Photograph: Khaled el Fiqi/EPA
African Union soldiers on patrol in the town of Muhujariya in south Darfur. Photograph: Khaled el Fiqi/EPA

Blair has already threatened to employ force in Darfur.

Mr Blair has been pushing for much tougher international action against Sudan since President Omar Hassan al-Bashir reneged earlier this month on last November’s agreement to allow UN peacekeepers into Darfur to protect civilians.

Talks are under way in the UN security council over a package of sanctions being pushed by Britain and the US, which includes a comprehensive arms embargo and the freezing assets of Sudanese leaders implicated in the Darfur ethnic cleansing.

Speaking in Berlin on Sunday, Mr Blair described the situation in Darfur as “intolerable” and said: “We need to consider a no-fly zone to prevent the use of Sudanese air power against refugees and displaced people.”

Also German PM Angela Merkel has spoken about Darfur:

German Chancellor Angela Merkel offered harsh criticism of Sudan’s President Omar Hassan al-Bashir for not allowing United Nations peacekeepers into the country. Her remarks came amid the pomp of the European Union’s 50th anniversary celebrations in Berlin.

“We think of the people in Zimbabwe and Darfur. The suffering there is unbearable,” Merkel said. “We must look at stronger sanctions.”

The Sudanese government in Khartoum has blocked plans to deploy UN peacekeepers to replace African Union troops struggling to contain the violence in the western region. The EU imposed an arms embargo on Khartoum in January 2004. But this weekend EU leaders and human rights activists said more needs to be done to end one of the world’s worst humanitarian disasters.

[…] Blair was accompanied by Ishag Mekki, a representative of a London-based group, Darfur Union. Mekki’s elder sister, a mother of eight, was killed in her home in Darfur. Mekki issued an emotional plea to world leaders to help stop. The EU should not celebrate its achievements of the past century while people in Darfur are being killed, Mekki said.

Every time genocide happens the leaders of the EU say ‘never again,'” Mekki said. “These are empty words because it is happening now.”

Well, let’s wait and see.


El periódico inglés The Independent ha publicado un relato sobre cómo se vive en un campo de refugiados a los que están huyendo personas de Chad tras los ataques de los Janjaweed. Dice que lo normal es que entren en un poblado y disparen a todo lo que se mueve. También violan a las mujeres siempre en grupo para dañar tanto a ellas como a las familias. Normalmente, después de la violación son abandonadas.

Blair quiere que se apruebe una resolución en la que se establezca una zona en la que esté prohibido volar para que no puedan ser bombardeados desde el aire.

Merkel también ha insitido en que la situación es insostenible.

Mientras, el genocidio continúa. Mekki, cuya hermana, madre de 8 hijos, fue asesinada en Darfur, dice que “cada vez que un genocidio sucede, los líderes de la UE dicen “nunca jamás”. Estas son palabras vacías porque se está produciendo ahora”. Y los años que lleva …

Por cierto, Italian Blogs for Darfur nos ha ofrecido la posibilidad de hacer un “Blogroll de Blogs Españoles por Darfur”. Sólo tendríais que postear algo sobre Darfur cada semana. Y de esa manera más personas conocerían más cosas sobre lo que pasa allí. Que ya sé que lo que está pasando aquí es suficientemente grave como para estar muy preocupados, pero no creo que debamos olvidar lo que pasa en otros países.

Los que esteis interesados, me dejais un mensaje en el post. Gracias.

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BosnewsLife.it h/t Kattolikko Pensiero:

A major Christian rights group has expressed concern that Muslim militants in Nigeria are increasingly kidnapping Christian children to convert them to Islam, BosNewsLife monitored Tuesday, March 20.

Also from BosnewsLife.it h/t Kattolikko Pensiero:

Christians in north-eastern Nigeria on Thursday, March 22, mourned the death of Oluwatoyin Olusase, a Christian teacher who was killed by Muslim pupils at a secondary school for allegedly desecrating the Koran.

From Sudanese Thinker h/t Sandmonkey:

March 20, 2007 (KHARTOUM) – Two Sudanese women have been sentenced to death by stoning for adultery after a trial in which they had no lawyer and which used Arabic, not their first language, the rights group Amnesty International said.

March 22, 2007 (KHARTOUM) – Two ethnic African women from Darfur have been sentenced to death by stoning for committing adultery, while their male partners escaped punishment, a human rights activist said Thursday.

Sudanese Thinker has also written a post about what to do about it.

Portuguese blog O Insurgente has also looked upon this horrible case.


En Nigeria, varios grupos de Defensa de los Derechos Humanos han declarado estar preocupados sobre el incremento de niños cristianos que son secuestrados para convertirlos al Islam. Asimismo y también en Nigeria, varios cristianos han asistido a un acto en homenaje de Oluwatoyin Olusase, una profesora cristiana asesinada por sus alumnos musulmanes porque decían que había desecrado el Corán.

En Sudán, dos mujeres han sido condenadas a muerte por lapidación acusadas de adulterio, después de un juicio en el que no han tenido abogado y en el que se usó el árabe cuando no era su primera lengua. Sus parejas masculinas han escapado todo castigo. Si quereis ayudar podeis ir aquí[en inglés] y mandar la carta que contiene a, entre otros, el Parlamento sudanés y la embajada sudanesa en Washington. No sé cuál será el mail de la embajada sudanesa en España. SI alguien lo sabe puede dejarlo en comentarios.

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Fron Relief (HT: Eye on the World, from MNM):

The conflict in Darfur has spread to eastern Chad. Several thousand people have been killed. Thousands of women and girls have been raped. Entire villages have been pillaged and destroyed and their inhabitants have been forcibly displaced. Eastern Chad is in the grip of a human rights and humanitarian crisis, which has caused the mass exodus of entire populations.

Who is responsible for these terrible abuses? The main perpetrators are militias known as the Janjawid, some of whom come from Sudan, some from Chad, along with other Chadian armed groups.

The climate of insecurity is increasing tensions between communities considered to be “arabs” and communities considered “non-arabs”. At the same time, Sudan and Chad accuse each other of sponsoring, harbouring and arming opposition armed groups. Relations have deteriorated to the point that, on 28 November 2006, the government of Chad declared that it was in a “state of war” with Sudan.

This comes as the Janjaweed are massing to the north of el-Geneina, the capital of Sudan’s West Darfur state, an African Union military source said on Tuesday, corroborating a U.N. report.

For an idea of what is going on in Darfur -with the complicity of the rest of world in a war that IS a war for oil in all its extension, with the active participation of PetroChina, ABB. Ltd, Sinopec, Tatneft, Total SA, Marathon Oil Corporation and Lundim Petroleum-, read this report (pdf), this (thanks to LGF), this, this, and, of course, the best blog on Darfur crisis, Sudan Watch.

Precisely, from this blog I am linking the reality of the AU (African Union) mission. The African soldiers there have not being paid, at least from the last 3 months and there are some of them who haven’t from 6 months. At the same time they are subject of continous attacks from locals:

who are even menacing them of death.

Ingrid, the blogger from Sudan Watch, has ended blogging in protest for this situation.

As I wrote before, two Sudanese officiales have been charged with genocide. Sudanese Interior Minister have threatened to BEHEAD any person who attemps to arrest them and take them to the ICC.

But in Spain, there will be demonstration critizising -just guess…- Israel, because of this summer war with Hizbollah, and USA, because US strategy is not producing any good both in Iraq and Afghanistan. Pardon me, but Afghanistan does not have the blessing of the UN? Is not Spain there? So, why is a US strategy? What are the rest of us doing in Afghanistan? Do we have a plan for that country? Isn’t the UN responsible for the disaster? Isn’t also responsible for this our Government?

And wasn’t the Government insisting that Afghanistan was no war? That it was only an humanitarian mission?

This demonstration has been presented by the Director of the National Library, Rosa Regás, actress Pilar Bardem -that not a lot of days ago calledson of a bitch” to a journalist from a TV that has critisized her for giving a white rose to a Batasuna’s lawyer- and Socialist Zerolo, the man who has done a political carrier of being homosexual.

This is not the first they do in this term against Israel and in favor of the “right to resistance of the Palestinian people“. Chesk wrote about another one, held last year, and added some photos:

No more Holocausts (the symbools are clear).

About Darfur, Chinese prisoners, Kareem’s freedom or homosexual repression in Islamic countries, for example, nothing of course…

[By the way, there is a Jihadist upsurge in Lebanon (HT: MNM) The incoming Jihadists are from Sudan and Yemen and probably there would be more attacks on Israeli people AND on UN forces].


El conflicto en Darfur se ha extendido al Este de Chad. Varias personas han sido asesiandas. Miles de mujeres y niñas han sido violadas. Pueblos enteros han sido sometidos al pillaje y destrozados y sus habitantes obligados a desplazarse. El Este de Chad está en el borde de una crisis humanitaria y de derechos humanos, que ha costado ya el éxodo a poblaciones enteras.

¿Quién es el responsable de estos abusos terribles? Los principales perpetradores son las milicias conocidas como “Janjaweed“, algunos de los cuales han venido de Sudán, algunos son del propio Chad, junto con otros grupos armados de Chad.

El clima de inseguridad está incrementando las tensiones entre los considerados árabes y las comunidades no-árabes. Al mismo tiempo, Sudán y Chad se acusan mutuamente de patrocinar, dar cobijo y armar a los grupos armados opositores. Las relaciones se han deteriorado hasta el punto de que, el 28 de Noviembre de 2006, el gobierno de Chad declaró que estaba en guerra en Sudán.

Esto lo dice Amnistía Internacional, entidad no sospechosa de apoyo a Bush, precisamente.

Mientras, nuestros imbécilesintelectuales“, el PSOE e IU han vuelto a convocar a la gente para una manifestación contra la guerra de Irak y la de Afganistán el 17 de Marzo. No, no es lo que parece: se manifestarán contra Israel por la guerra del Líbano y contra la “estrategia USA” en las guerras de Iraq y de Afganistán. Lo de la estrategia USA en la guerra de Afganistán me ha dejado helada. Vamos a ver: ¿no es una guerra auspiciada por la ONU? ¿Y la ONU no tiene nada que decir? ¿Y el resto de los países que están en la coalición? Entre ellos, el nuestro…

Por otro lado, ¿no habíamos quedado que no era una guerra? ¿Que estábamos allí en “misión humanitaria”?

¿O es que los americanos malosos están en guerra y nosotros vamos en misión humanitaria?

Y no, sobre Darfur, los disidentes chinos, la libertad para Kareem o la represión homosexual en los páises islámicos, de eso ni se habla…

[Por cierto, que hay un aumento exponencial de jihadistas, provenientes de Sudán y de Yemen, principalmente, en el Líbano. Se espera un aumento en los ataques a Israelíes Y a las fuerzas de la ONU].

Related posts:

Sudan, the UN ambassador, the rebels: why it is necessary a general denounce of the silence of the MSM on the Darfur crisis?

Chinese prisoners’ sons, Tibetans murdered and Chinese geopolitical importance.

Chinese PM launches Africa tour.

Technology disputes and weapons sales.

Chinese weapons sales.

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