
Archive for the ‘Web resources’ Category

As I have been in bed with a terrible flu I have not had the possibility to read my email, this last week.

But when today I opened it, there were two emails that have made my day a happy one.

The first was from The European Human Rights Center:

I came across your site while searching the net for some quality websites. I think you did a great job with your site.
My name is Daniel. I work for The European Human Rights Centre (EHRC).
I would like to add your site to our usefull links page (
http://www.ehrcweb.org/links.php )
and I was wondering if you can post a link with our site in your  website.
For your convenience  I send you bellow the code for our website:
<a href=”
We are Nonprofit organization .

Of course, Daniel, you can. And I will right away add your link to my blog.

The second was from Blogger News Network:

I am the editor at Blogger News Network (www.bloggernews.net). BNN is a group blog on a massive scale, with 100+ contributors. It is our aim to be the Daily Kos of the blogosphere’s political center – minus 80% of the adolescence and 90% of the crazy, and with some common sense thrown in. BNN presents news, analysis and editorial writing from contributors all over the world, and attempts to give space to multiple responsible points of view. Vitriolic sites have a place and they certainly spice up the debate, but they also coarsen the discourse. BNN aims to counter that trend by being a place for respectful discussion and commentary on the events of the day.
The purpose of this e-mail is to invite you to use BNN as a resource in your own blogging. Our high post volume and breadth of coverage means that if you are looking for a blogger’s take on an issue, the odds are pretty good you’ll find what you want and more. (You can access our search box on the BNN main page, or you can just type in http://www.bloggernews.net/index.php?s=Your Search Text) You can find a post to cite with approval, and probably one to heap scorn on, too. We invite both! (We also invite you to consider writing for the site – see “Writing for BNN” at the very top of all BNN pages.

Well, this is so good I cannot even believe it. Altough it’s an honor, I cannot blog in more places or I would have to give up sleeping, something I am not going to do. But I encourage you to go there, because th web page is very good.

It’s raining but these are the kind of emails that make me smile very wide smile_teeth.

Para mis amigos de la comunidad Anti-ZP: esta semana no he podido bloguear porque he tenido un gripazo impresionante. Como no he hecho mucho, esta semana que viene tengo que recuperarlo. Pero espero bloguear un poco el fin de semana que viene.

Eso sí, esta semana me han llegado dos emilios que me han hecho feliz, a pesar de la mala semana que he llevado.

El primero me lo han mandado de European Human Rights Center. En el me preguntaban si podían linkar mi blog en su página web, “porque estaba haciendo un gran trabajo en el blog”. Por supuesto les he dicho que sí.

El segundo es del editor del Blogger News Network, que “aspira a ser el Daily Kos del centro de la blogosfera pero sin el 80% de su adolescencia y el 90% de su locura y con algo de sentido común”. Incluso me invitan a escribir allí. Por supuesto, es un honor, pero no tengo tiempo suficiente, así que les he escrito dándoles las gracias por el ofrecimiento. Eso sí, la página es realmente buena, así que os animo a todos los que podais leer inglés a pasaros por allí.

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Yesterday, I wrote about Writely . Today I am going to blog from another Web application, WriteToMyBlog , about whose existence a reader informed me some days ago.

The interface is really impressive: it has even more features than Writely! You can insert tables, custom characters, even edit the CSS style. The processor even lets you split the post -in Blogger I think you are not able to do that-. Lastly, you can also use the fullscreen mode AND it also includes the possibility of inserting technorati tags.

Inconveniences: I have not seen any trackback feature -ERROR: IT HAS TRACKBACK FEATURE, so this is not an inconvenience no more, though I have to send the post and see if my suspicions 😉 are true. The program is not very quick though -my connection is not the fastest, so perhaps that’s the reason why the dialog boxes do not appear instantly ;)-. Lastly, if you use Mozilla or Firefox , you can’t copy and paste. 😦

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Blogging with Writely

Some days ago, El Cerrajero told me to try Writely.com , so that’s what I am going to do now.

Writely is one of the new Web 2.0 resources, where you can write documents as if it were Word or OpenOffice.org. But it lets you also blog directly to your personal webpage.

The interface is really agreeable. It has the most important functions (including the justify text, that normally is not included in the most important part of the blog editors). There are several possibilities of formatting text, in fact more than I have seen for a long time. You can save your documents -it saves it automatically everything you write-, and there is a spell checker.

There are some inconveniences. As writely is owned by Google, and Google also owns Blogger , there are several features that are missing, such as trackbacks -in Blogger you have to add haloscan– or technorati tags, which are both very useful . Especially, the trackbacks to connect posts which are writing of related issues. Trackbacks are included in some other blogging platforms, such as wordpress (this blog, for example, uses wordpress on wordpress.com), typepad or blogharbor.

But for people blogging with blogger is a very comfortable tool, which I am going to add to the sidebar after “web resources”


Hace algunos días, El Cerrajero me aconsejó que probara Writely.com, así que eso es lo que estoy haciendo.

Es una aplicación Web 2.0, donde se pueden editar y crear documentos de Word o OpenOffice.org. Pero también permite bloguear.

Su interfaz es muy agradable. Tiene todas las funciones de formato deseables -incluso permite incrementar o disminuir el tamaño de la letra-, como ya veis arriba. Incluso tiene función para grabar los posts -los graba además automáticamente- y también tiene corrector ortográfico -que está en inglés- 😉

Sin embargo, para mi presenta distintos inconvenientes. El más importante sin duda, es que como Writely es propiedad de Google y Google también es dueño de Blogger, que no tiene funcionalidad para usar trackbacks -si no se le añade la aplicación externa haloscan, no se tiene posibilidad -o al menos yo no la he encontrado ;)- de mandar trackbacks, ni tampoco de incluir tags de technorati o del.cio.us, ambas características muy útiles.

I am adding tags manually:

del.cio.us tags: writely, blog editors, Web 2.0.

technorati tags: writely, blog editors, Web 2.0.

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