
Archive for September 11th, 2007

Around 1.200 people who wanted to cross the frontier from Melilla to Morocco caused the closing of the frontier post of Beni Enzar after some incidents were registered between Moroccans.According to the Government’s Delegation of Melilla, yesterday in the main frontier post of the autonomous city, a large concentration of Moroccans gathered in the gate. They wanted to cross to Spanish land to go to the last day of Melilla’s local holidays.It was then when, after the Police stopped them and did not allow them to pass, when it was discovered they lack any identification, they began throwing stones, and as a result the gate was closed.[So, who they were throwing stones at? It was not between them, it was at Spanish police… speaking about MSM accuracy 😈 ].

According to the Government’s Delegation, and considering the facts that were happening, they asked for the collaboration of the Moroccan police, who arrived at the place, “in great numbers” and helped to end the incident.

ABC.es: nacional – nacional – Una aglomeración de personas provoca el cierre de la frontera en Melilla

Hmm, they had no identification. And they say they were going to a party. Yes, of course… Talk to the hand

From Catalonia:

Ciutadans (the party of the Citizens) announced that during this week they will present several complaints, similar to the ones they have already presented in Tarragona, in other cities such as Sant Cugat, Pallejà or Vilassar de Mar, who also do not have the Spanish flag displayed.

Imagine this in your own country: there are parts of Spain where official buildings don’t display the Spanish flag! They are not fulfilling the law and say they are not going to do it at all. So how on earth they are asking citizens to do it?? (specially with taxes…)

And then if I don’t like you, I’m just going to menace you, but telling you, you’re the culprit of the menaces, not me. A real swap in the responsibility, isn’t it? Well, that happened last week-end and again yesterday.

The façade of Catalonian PP’s central office in Barcelona –located in Urgell st.- appeared on Monday totally stained of red paint. The facts happened throughout the night and were recorded by the 2 security cameras located in the office’s front doors. The Mossos d’Esquadra (Autonomous Community police) are seeing the recordings to identify the culprits. PP is linking this attack to their participation this Thursday, after three years of absence, in the National Diada of Catalonia (the regional holiday).

And after transport competences have been transferred to other Autonomous Communities , now it’s Madrid the one which is going to receive it. Really? Well, we don’t know. In the first place:

Madrid’s Autonomous Community will have a share in the management of the outskirts trains which travel inside its territory, and of the Barajas airport. It also will have the management of the M-40 motorway with a total State funding of €400 millions to make all the “necessary public works” of connections and windenings.
Those are some of the commitments that Madrid’s AC President, Esperanza Aguirre, succeded to snatch away from Zapatero during their meeting.

The Minister for Public Adminsitration, Elena Salgado, has assured that the Government is ready to give the Autonomous Community a “share in the management” of the net of outskirt trains of the region but not to give Madrid the competence in that respect
Salgado has underlined that in Madrid’s Autonomy Statute does not figure that as a competence of the Community, while it appears on the Catalonian’s one.

So, as Catalonian statute has it (it is contested before the Constitutional Tribunal), the rest are asking for it…From my point of view, this is insane. It’s good to transfer some competences but not ALL, as the equality for all citizens is not really guaranteed then. And the citizens get confused…


Some days ago, a polemic erupted when Bishop Muskens told a television audience that Catholics (for example, me) should call God, Allah (Not in a Million Years! Angry). The Catholic Education Resource Center has an article by Kathleen Turner about this “idea”. An excerpt:

as Muskens pointed out, Allah is a lovely sounding word. Thus, in the spirit of Christian charity and Western tolerance, I’ve been trying it out with mixed results.

The Doxology of my Protestant childhood is problematic with the two-syllable Allah instead of the monosyllabic God, but not impossible: Praise Allah, from whom all blessings flow. Praise him, all creatures here below. Not perfect, but workable.

Changing Western language, symbols and making other accommodations to ease relations between old Europe and new isn’t only a conciliatory gesture or even mere appeasement. It is submission by any other name.

America ‘s familiar childhood blessing is downright euphonious: Allah is great, Allah is good, let us thank him for our food. But the Apostle’s Creed is a mess: I believe in Allah the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ his only son … . Oops.Contrary to Hooper’s one-God claim, Christians and Muslims don’t really worship the same God. Although both religions are monotheistic — and if there’s just one God, there’s just one God — Christians believe Jesus was the Son of God and Muslims think otherwise.That’s not a small doctrinal difference. In fact, at the risk of exhausting the obvious, Christianity doesn’t exist without, um, Christ. Of course we could rewrite the Apostle’s Creed to include Muhammad: “I believe in Allah the Father Almighty … and in Muhammad, his favorite prophet …

My God -not Allah-! Praying Praying for Muskens’ sanity… Because if it weren’t for Christian charity, this would be my own answer: Phbbbttt.

Luis says something basic about examples like Muskens’: The root of the Islamist problem in Europe is not on Muslims’ groups. We have to search for it in European circles, as a result of Appeasement. […] It is only our cowardice, our absolute fault of civil courage, of determination, of faith in ourselves and our own capacities. Muslims are not responsible for that. Applause


Al-Qaeda has announced that Bin “even-the-flies-getsleepy-with-my-speech” Laden, is going to appear in another video… And, accordingly to latest reports, he appears in it (Bin Laden wants a caravan of martyrs) praising the sept 11 bombers. As he did not succeed the first time in his objective of terrifying everyone with his youthness (false: his hair was dyed Laughing), and considering that another loooooooooooooooong speech quoting Noam Chomsky, would definitely get all the human beings to sleep Sleepy, he has decided that it’s better to let one of the suicide terrorists speak.

The latest videotape, of the hijacker’s testament, had not yet been posted on extremist web sites. But IntelCenter, a monitoring group in suburban Washington, said it had obtained the 47-minute video and provided it to Associated Press Television News.

In the tape, bin Laden praised al-Shehri, saying he “recognized the truth” that Arab rulers were “vassals” of the West and had “abandoned the balance of (Islamic) revelation.”

It is true that this young man was little in years, but the faith in his heart was big,” he said.

So there is a huge difference between the path of the kings, presidents and hypocritical Ulama (Islamic scholars) and the path of these noble young men,” like al-Shehri, bin Laden said. “The formers’ lot is to spoil and enjoy themselves whereas the latters’ lot is to destroy themselves for Allah’s Word to be Supreme.”

It remains for us to do our part. So I tell every young man among the youth of Islam: It is your duty to join the caravan (of martyrs) until the sufficiency is complete and the march to aid the High and Omnipotent continues,” he said.

Bin Laden:

is re-emerging to tout his leadership — whether symbolic or effective — of the jihad movement. While past anniversary videos featured old footage of bin Laden, the latest appears likely to include a newly made speech.

Bin Laden had not appeared for nearly three years until a new video was released over the weekend. In that video, he addressed the American people, telling them the war in Iraq is a failure and taking on a new anti-globalization rhetoric. He urged Americans to abandon capitalism and democracy and embrace Islam. Rolling on the floor

Al-Qaida’s media arm, Al-Sahab, announced the impending second video Monday with an advertising banner posted on an Islamic militant Web forum where the group often posts its messages.

The video was likely to be released within 24 hours to coincide with Sept. 11, said Ben Venzke, head of IntelCenter, a U.S. group that monitors and analyzes militant messages.

He even has not changed clothes:

The Web banner included a still image of bin Laden from the upcoming video. Shown raising his finger, he wears the same dyed-black beard and the same clothes — white robe and round cap and beige cloak — that he had on in the video posted on the Web on Saturday.

Raised Eyebrow Well, err, not impressed yet. That beard does not make you more attractive… Or is it that bitter expression?

Anyway, what really impresses me is the never-ending birth of more heads to the Al-Qaeda hydra -and the lack of fight against the Islamist ideology…-:

Six years after the September 11 attacks, Osama bin Laden’s al Qaeda network is bleeding the U.S. military in Iraq while regrouping with an avowed aim of another strike on the United States. U.S. intelligence agencies and other analysts say security improvements and international efforts against al Qaeda have helped prevent another major U.S. attack.

But the network’s ability to attack the West is rebounding, they say, and already it has met what some analysts describe as a goal of luring the United States into a damaging Middle East war that would cripple U.S. influence in the region.

Al Qaeda has inspired cells and sympathizers who may be unable to strike on the scale of September 11 but can nevertheless cause death and destruction.

“They have regained a significant level of their capability,” National Intelligence Director Michael McConnell said of al Qaeda during a Senate hearing on Monday, the eve of the sixth anniversary. “The threat is real,” he said.

And well, not attacking his ideology in the war of ideas happening just now, just condemns the rest to fight these jihadis for a long time. See:

“To us, war is a finite undertaking with a clear beginning and a clear end,” says Brian Jenkins, a senior adviser to the president of RAND Corp. in Arlington, Va. “To our jihadist foes, war is a perpetual condition.” Whew

[…]In Western media much time and space has been devoted to analyzing the appearance of the terrorist leader himself, notes author and former CIA analyst Michael Scheuer. Was his black beard – which was obviously dyed – a sign of some sort? Did it mean his health was better, or worse?

But the debate on cable TV news might better have focused on bin Laden urging Americans to embrace Islam, says Mr. Scheuer.

In the US, that rhetoric might be rejected as silly; in the Islamic world, it could be seen as an offer that goes the extra mile. It might allow bin Laden to later say that he did all he could before he launched further attacks.

“From their perspective the world is going their way. It was a very confident speech,” says Scheuer, a former chief of the CIA’s Osama bin Laden tracking unit.

it could be seen as an offer that goes the extra mile“… let me see, yeah, “I’m going to make you an offer you could never reject“, The Godfather. Well, Bin Laden, even if you dye your beard, you’re no Marlon Brando (and no, I do not like Marlon Brando very much, but compared with Bin Laden… Raised Eyebrow).

Osama bin Laden himself has not attended this council in two years, says Bruce Hoffman, a professor of security studies at Georgetown University. Instead, it is run by his long-time deputy, Mr. Zawahiri.

Zawahiri now has placed key allies in charge of such crucial missions as communications with the outside world. He has engineered affiliations with radical Islamic groups in Algeria and elsewhere.

He has become the driving force behind Al Qaeda, and is probably content that we are still obsessed with Osama bin Laden,” says Mr. Hoffman.

Al Qaeda’s rebuilt organizational capacity may be revealed by the recent arrests in Germany that alledgedly derailed a plot to bomb US-related targets.

Hmmm, so basically, Zawahiri is hiding after Bin Laden. Dangerous…

Related news:

Thompson: due process for Bin Laden, though he needs to be caught and killed.

US man jailed for Al-Qaeda links. A US federal judge has sentenced a Californian man to 24 years in jail for attending an al-Qaeda training camp in Pakistan and lying about it. The judge said Hamid Hayat, 25, had returned home ready and willing to wage violent jihad (hmm, is there another one in terms of security? Thinking ). He was arrested in 2005 after returning from a two-year trip to Pakistan. Prosecutors said he received terrorist training and plotted against targets in California, including banks, hospitals and government buildings.

(+) Red Alerts reports that a lot of Jihadi websites have been deleted, even the one who had a post titled “Happy 9/11 to All the Muslims of the World”.

More in The Midnight Sun. A must read. Don’t know if it’s true or not but, at least, it’s logical.


Sudanese Government, just peacefully acting in Darfur, while conversations are on motion:

Sudanese government planes have bombed the town of Haskinita in North Darfur, a rebel official has told the BBC.

Rebel Justice and Equality Movement official Abdel Aziz said the aerial attacks had killed at least 25 civilians and three of his fighters.

He said the bombardment had started on Monday afternoon and then ground forces entered the rebel-controlled town.

Sudan’s government was not available for comment. African Union peacekeepers could not confirm the reports.

The Jem official said most of town’s residents had fled.

At least there are 12 people killed, in another flagrant violation of the terms of the ceasefire approved by UN.

So Sudan’s government at first was not available for comment BUT afterwards it has denied all of these facts -as it ever does-. Striaght FaceWaiting So what is going to do Ban “I’m-impressed-for-what-I’ve-seen-although-I-have-known-it-for-years-but-it’s-good-to-say-it-now” Ki-Moon now?” Because:

The African Union spokerperson –African Union has deployed 7.000 soldiers in Darfur–, Noureddine Mezni, confirmed he has received similar reports about what happened. An African Union soldier in Haskanita confirmed to AP that “real combats” happened there during all day.

“We heard air bombings and constant shootings very near”, the soldier explained, asking to be kept annonymous. “I don’t know how many victims there are, but the city was severelly attacked”, he added. He also confirmed that the AU contingent did not take part in the fight, justifying that measure because of the redeploymeny of all forces to a reduced complex in Haskanita since June and due to the violence in the region.

So, just to explain here: soldiers, sent to ensure there is no fighting, do not meddle between the fighters because there is violence in the region. Hmm, so what are they doing there then??? Waiting Speaking about international organizations effectiveness…

Now playing: Hans Zimmer – King Arthur – All Of Them! (1
via FoxyTunes

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Because the Pentagon was also attacked on Sept 11. (I know that the Twin Towers are a symbol, but everyone I have read is remembering them. And the people who died on the Pentagon also deserve a remembrance).

😳 I was forgetting. A group of young ex-Muslims are launching today a campaign for the right to abandon Islam, without reprisals. h/t O Insurgente.

Ehsan Jami, the committee’s founder, who rejected Islam after the attack on the twin towers in 2001, has become the most talked-about public figure in the Netherlands. He has been forced into hiding after a series of death threats and a recent attack.

Raised Eyebrow

(+)  Lawhawk has a magnificent post with updates about Ground Zero. h/t Carl in Jerusalem.

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